Continued from part 1...........
It takes a lot of effort and coordination to get 80% of the world to do one thing or another, even if it is positive. If I invited 100 people to go for an organic barbeque on a cruise ship (on a hot sunny day) you still are not going to get 80% compliance.
Getting 80% of the world on drugs and accepting of their worst lives takes so much coordination, it literally baffles the mind. That is where most main stream charities come in.
They front themselves as a group fighting a disease but they often just end up towing the line by endorsing drugs, holding back any information that would cure the disease, down playing the nutritional foundation of the disease and playing "nice nice" with any other group who is doing the same. Why are charities doing this?
Well, generally the people behind such charities are heavy on the "caring" but a little "light" on the processes that actually create the groups they are trying to help. By not understanding that drugs cause disease and that food cures disease, these charities continually raise money for companies who sell drugs and block diet information that would cure the targeted disease.
This "do gooder" effect could very well be the corner stone upon which the collapse of our civilization is built upon. This "do gooder" effect is also highly contagious.....as an endless supply of disease causing charity events parade through our town on a weekly basis, with no one the wiser.
There is nothing more dangerous than people trying to do good without knowing if it is working or not. (and not really caring either....as long as they make the paper and are perceived as a swell guy or swell gal)
I know a swell guy who works a good 16 hours per day destroying his health. When he takes a break from destroying his own health, you will usually find him behind one of many disease charities in town. Regardless of what fund raising drive you find him at, the event always serves foods that cause the targeted disease and the money raised goes to drug companies who in turn create more disease with toxic medications, surgeries etc. (the same companies receiving the charity money also suppress any nutritional cures for the disease)
My options are to tell him he is killing his fellow citizens or let him continue to kill his fellow citizens, in order for him to feel like a swell guy. Both options are equally grim and that is how far we have come down this road of insanity.
It doesn't help when charities are infiltrated by the enemy. Click here or here to see such an example where the Diabetes Association teamed up with Schweppes/Cadbury (the largest sugar distributor in the world). Not soon after, the President of the Diabetes Association actually came forward questioning sugar's role in the disease......with many diabetic zombies cheering on the indirect order to consume excess sugar at will. If sugar does not cause type II diabetes why is it cured in as little as 7 days when excess sugar is removed from the diet?
Bottom line is this. If someone you know is relying on any charity for their disease information, they are literally gambling with life itself. If someone you know is raising money for these charities, they should be aware that they are part of the huge drive I talked about in the first paragraph......about the mass coordination it takes to make this many people sick at the same time. Sorry to say but true.
Today people are literally going out and raising money for the same companies and forces that gave them their disease or actually ended the lives of their loves ones prematurely..............and there is no shortage of takers to this classic scam.
To fix this massive problem someone (somewhere) would have to admit they are wrong but we all know the chances of that happening are slim to none.....so you need to take care of yourself. It always comes down to the control coming back into your hands.
Lets go to the Alzheimer's Society of Canada's website and see what I just described above. On this page we see the charity playing "nice nice" with the government regarding The Canadian Food Guide. There is one problem with that. The Canadian Food Guide has not only been proven corrupt (large companies playing a game of bribe "leap frog" with each other to have the consumption of their products increased) but the food guide has been proven to cause obesity and disease due to it's corrupt foundations.
Then we go to this page for a recipe that is supposed to give you a healthy brain. Instead of going over everything that is wrong with this recipe and how it will facilitate cellular damage in anyone who eats it (including brain damage) I have linked articles to each highlighted word to prove just how unhealthy this recipe really is.
Tex Mex Scrambled Eggs
1 tbsp margarine, divided 15 mL
1/4 cup each chopped red pepper and green onion 50 mL
3 tbsp finely chopped sodium-reduced ham 45 mL
1 pasteurized carton liquid eggs (250 mL)
1/4 cup milk 50 mL
Pinch ground cumin and chili powder
1/3 cup mild salsa (optional) 75 mL
1/4 cup shredded, reduced-fat Cheddar cheese 50 mL
8 slices, whole grain with flax toast
Like I said, it takes a huge effort to make 80% of the population diseased and dysfunctional. Like most other main stream disease charities (who only stay alive as long as the disease is alive) the Alzheimer's Society of Canada is working around the clock to do their part.