Are you sure you are free? Would you know if your freedoms were being taken away?
Well, you don't really know if you are free until you try to execute those freedoms.....then you'll find out. Freedom is worthless unless you are prepared to defend those freedoms........just ask Robert Wanek.....a student suspended and assaulted by teachers (at his own school) for trying to inform other students about the proven dangers of vaccination.
Click here or watch the same video below regarding Robert's story.
Why do rational humans side with government/corporate objectives? (getting harder and harder to tell the difference between government and business these days) Because the wages of many rational and good people are now controlled by various government bodies. You want to eat right? Well, you do what we say. Only one step down from "gun in the face" style persuasion.
Imagine a business that can make laws, which force you to buy their products against your free will? (by raising your taxes) Well, that is what is going on here. The more our tax money piles up in one spot (Ottawa or Toronto), the more parasitical greedy companies line up to fight for it. This is already built into a capitalistic system and that is why the only solution is to keep the money in our pockets. If you want to get rid of the ants at a picnic......just remove the sugar.
Why do corporations lobby governments to push their unhealthy products, like vaccines, Tamiflu, baby formula, children's Tylenol, milk etc? Why not sell vaccines door to door like any other "for profit" product? Because the corporations understand the control behind owning someone's wage and employment. The more government employment in any country, the more uniformity and the more control over the population. It is hard to say "no" to any idea if your wages are controlled by the same people who are promoting that idea.
That means every new government job brings with it the greater probability that the situation above is likely to occur. Our ancestors have always known this valuable lesson. Government is meant to guide in areas where others will not.......government is not supposed to take the position of parent in every situation imaginable. For every tax payer dollar sent out, complete obedience is indirectly or directly expected in return. Pretend freedom....and less and less of it as time passes.
What does this have to do with health? Well, without the freedom to say "no" to dangerous products and unhealthy systems you can't lead your best life. Our choices are being narrowed down for us by a very small group of people.
When I was in school no teacher asked any class I was in if the class would like to write an essay about the dangers of vaccinations. Funny how that goes.
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1 comment:
Jason, thank you for writing and posting this blog as it is more helpful to me and all of us whom live in THE THIRD WORLD, than you will ever know.
I have linked your blog to many sites and informed many people of your writings on the bogus Swine Flu Pandemic. While most of the melee regarding this issue has dwindled in THE FIRST WORLD, please know that is only beginning here in THE THIRD WORLD. I am living in Central America and the unwanted or tainted or expired Swine Flu vaccines which were unwanted by Northern countries are beginning to arrive here this week.
Costa Rica in particular is under a MANDATORY SWINE FLU VACCINATION order. The government is following the same directives as decreed by the WHO. Meaning, the high risk category of peoples will be immunized first. The same as it was dictated in Canada. The only difference in Costa Rica is that those whom choose, may sign a waiver for exclusion. In which case these people are then placed on a SPECIAL WATCH LIST. This week Costa Rica received some of the 800,000 unwanted Panenza/Sanofi vaccines which were removed from circulation in the U.S. due to the fact they had lost their potency.
It is EXTREMELY challenging to get the word out about these dangerous vaccines and their contents to the Spanish-speaking populations. Many people, especially in the mountainous regions have to walk miles just to see a doctor in an emergency. And these are the same people that may very well be the ones whom pick the bananas sold in your grocery stores to help feed you.
There is very little written in the mainstream Spanish press in THE THIRD WORLD as regards to the dangers of these vaccines. This is why I have alerted many Central Americanos to your blog as they will read the truth. I know some of these people personally and they trust me because of my personal story about how you, Mari and others on your staff helped me lose 110 lbs in 9 months, get off 7 prescription drugs and completely obliterate my type 2 diabetes. I am living proof to them that your words in this blog are as good as action.
Thank you again.
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