Most people do follow what the government states regarding what are healthy food options and what are not. The problem is that at least 75% of our population are obese or overweight and the government's food recommendations are often seen to be at the crux of the problem.
When someone is programmed to eat a certain way it literally means they are programmed to eat the same foods everyday even if the person does not like the results they are getting from those foods. Programming means people are likely to keep doing what they are doing even if it doesn't serve them what so ever.
Milk products fall into this category. Milk is advertised by our government (and also by various bodies who have a vested interest in milk sales) as healthy but unfortunately there are decades of scientific and observational evidence directly linking milk products to weight gain and many modern diseases. (like cancer, ear infections, asthma, type II diabetes, arthritis, digestive disorders, acne and many more)
Although people generally want some different results with their lives, many dig their heels in to keep the habits that are producing the lives they so desperately want to get rid of. They want to do the same stuff and get a different result. They want 2+2 to one day equal 8 when the day before it equalled 4.
I met a lady this week who said she would do anything to get rid of her Crohn's disease. I recommended that she eliminate eating her yogurt for 2 weeks and eliminate all dairy for 2 weeks, just to see how she would feel. (as dairy is highly related to digestive disorders) You know the story from there without me even detailing it. Many people want change without making changes. It is the Trojan Horse of North American society.
(also met a man yesterday who said he wanted badly to find a cure for his cancer - when I produced a medical document showing his cancer could be cured he debated me that I was incorrect.............)
If someone really wants the true story on milk/milk products and their connection to weight gain and disease they should click here to view a documentary trailer on the subject. The documentary itself would make a great Christmas present.
With the false advertising around milk and calcium we also get an expansion of that myth with medical professionals suggesting calcium supplementation. Click here or watch the same video below regarding just how dangerous calcium supplements can be.
Lets listen to Dr. John McDougall regarding the dangers of milk by clicking here or watching the same video below.
Who is right and who is wrong? Is milk healthy or not? I never drink milk and I am healthy. My wife Jennifer never drinks milk and my daughter has never had any cow's milk what so ever in her entire life.......and she is three and a half and she is healthy. You know what.........that means absolutely nothing.
Do this experiment in order to decide for yourself.
Good results are never wrong. Weight loss is never wrong. Feeling more healthy and being in less pain is never wrong. Try removing all dairy from your diet for 2 weeks. No one can tell you that your own personal results are wrong. Break out of the matrix and live your best life, free of unhealthy products that are sold as healthy.
Change just for the sake of changing. In the beginning change itself is more important than the results of the change. The ability to change directions is the most valuable skill in nature.
Although the first 10 seconds of this video clip are a little over the top, the remaining two minutes holds some more controversial and valuable information regarding milk as well.
Thanks to young health student Sylvie for getting me onto this suhject last night.
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