In no particular order.
1. Genetically modified food. The hard science proves genetically modified food is dangerous, in every way, to any organism who eats it. The government permits this food on your table even though the science screams it is overwhelmingly unhealthy to consume it. Click here, here and here for more information about the dangers of genetically modified food. Avoid GMO's by eating organic. No certified organic food contains GMO product.
2. Anti Depressant Medication. In the world of medications, SSRI's and other anti depression medications are the Olympic champions in several unhealthy categories. These medications cause the most weight gain, are the most likely to cause the same disease they are treating, are the most toxic, the least effective (a tabulation of all studies on anti depressants proved them not effective what so ever except for major depression and those improvements were non significant.........which means in the world of science the improvements were so small they are not worth reporting in any category), the most over prescribed because no test exists to prove someone is mentally ill and these medications are also some of the most side effect laden. Click here or here for more information.
3. Global Warning. Would you get mad next year if the government placed a per kilometer travel tax on your car and your airline tickets? Would you get mad next year if the government taxed each child that was born into your family? Would you get mad next year if the government taxed your favourite foods because they travelled over the ocean to get to you?
Yes, the government already knows you would be more than mad, you may even take to the streets...........but that is why the global warming swindle exists. World governments and the corporations who now run many of them need more of your money and you are already taxed to what is known as the "upper limit" of what a population will tolerate without physical resistance. Rebellion is guaranteed for more taxes above what is currently in place so if you are part of the ruling class.......how do you satisfy your greed and need to disempower the general population? Easy! You create a fear based advertising campaign where the general public demands the very taxes you were afraid to levy. It is brilliant and you call it global warming. You stick to it even when the temperature plummets in Beijing, London and Florida.
The new taxes on your cars, gas, travel, children and foods will be called "carbon taxes" and you are supposed to feel great about the taxes because you get to think you are saving the earth. At worst it sounds like manipulation for an honorable goal but very little of the global warming data is true.
No reduction of pollution is ever intended........just a taxing of the pollution and a selling/purchasing of the right to pollute. Nothing more and nothing less....and wait to you see how the corporations pass those extra expenses on to you...the consumer. Same pollution........you just get more poor.....and most people are right behind this because they react so well to the fear/solution sales pitches of modern government.
Governments have gotten so tired of trying to tax and control people that they now spend decades inventing plans so people agree and even cheer lead the taxing and controlling. Why make it so obvious with the guns, the direct taxes, the internment camps and everything else WW II was famous for? Why the investment, the trouble and the severe consequences associated with all those messy direct methods of controlling the "undesirables" and "feeble minded" when all you have to do is convince people to think giving their money and civil rights away is the best thing for the world, their country or their fellow man. It is just much easier and it is brilliant when you think about it.
Banks are merging to gain more control over the common person, airlines are doing the same, restaurant chains are doing the same.........governments are also meeting and doing the exact same thing. (ex. The European Union and the soon to be North American Union)
If you think global warming and the need for immediate action is real you should spend some time on the links below. This one needs to be looked at closely. Click here, here, here or here for more information.
More coming................
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