Click here or watch the same video below regarding how vitamin C is directly related to fighting cancer.
Not only does vitamin C battle cancer, vitamin C reverses many other diseases as well. As Dr. Levy explains, all disease and all degeneration in the body are part and parcel of the body starving for nutrition.
Vitamin C fights the disease process because it is an anti-oxidant and a powerful nutrient. Nutrition fights disease and today many people's non organic foods are void of key nutrients. This means many people are placing things in their mouths that are not food. These "food like things" are missing the components parts that have defined "food" for millions of years. Therefore many people are literally starving to death yet they are eating 4-6 times per day.
If you listen to the lecture closely Dr. Levy talks about electron theft or electrons that are missing their electron partner (free radicals), as molecules that are unstable, sick and dangerous to other cells. Think about it in terms of how people are more stable and more productive when they are paired up in life with another caring human being. A paired relationship produces energy, stability and love itself.......but what is love?
What Dr. Levy means is that molecules, which are unstable because they are literally by themselves and lonely, drain the energy of the molecules that are stable and paired.
Energy inside the body is created via cooperation between two or more parties, who produce energy as a team. Life is a cooperative and a far cry from the survival of the fittest theory, as teams of cooperative organisms will always flourish more efficiently than super strong singles. Life is about shaking hands and making friends, not about dominating others.
Is essence, life itself is team work and all the energy in the entire Universe is produced by this "dance of life" between male and female spirits or charges. (negative and positive charges rotating around each other to create motion and therefore energy flow) Life is nothing more than a simple electric motor. Is love the energy source of life itself?
When two separate charges are attracted to each other, the love of the bond produces the energy. All Dr. Levy is talking about is that energy is love and without love you get sick but you can't talk about such things at a medical conference. Ancient cultures have been telling the same story for years, without charging for it.
Love is not a notion, it is the real energy that drives life. When you are in love, you are a blossoming flower with all life's potential as options.
The earth and the sun also dance around each other in this orbit of love, as does every stable and healthy cell in the entire body. Disease itself is the disturbance of love or what Dr. Levy calls the disturbance of energy flow. No love = no energy flow = disease and decay.
Is the answer that we just need to start loving again, having our new born children cuddle their parents instead of being placed off in a crib, working less, learning to love ourselves and our planet, cooking meals full or nutrient dense food for the people we love? Is it that simple?
Similar to inside the body with what creates disease, we are moving toward a tipping point where the high energy and accumulated positive resources of a few healthy groups are now being drained down to dangerous levels, by the growing dysfunctional masses. (who are unhealthy for no other reason than a very small elite class profits immensely by coordinating the dysfunction of the masses via vaccines, education that breeds conformity and not true intelligence, government handouts that disempower and enslave on every level, toxic medications, surgeries that worsen health, the restriction of real foods, the restriction of peace through war, over taxation, non spiritual living and superficial living in general)
As is in the body, so is outside the body. If the body is drained of energy because it's cells are more sick than healthy, the body will die. If our society is drained of energy because it's citizens are more sick than healthy, the society will die.
Imagine there are 10 people at your place of work and 1 is sick. OK, now imagine 7 are sick. What happens to the company? What happens to the country? What happens to the economy? This is where we are going but there is still time to take control and it starts with what we place in our mouths and the mouths of our children.
Mimicking the lessons inside the body can help us manage our affairs outside the body. Sickness inside and outside the body are caused by a lack of love. Plain and simple. You can't get around it. We are running a love deficit so today spread some love, anyway you can.
In the end all you need is love and organic food (the nutrition Dr. Levy talks about) is the love child between the earth and the sun, produced everyday for you free of charge. Love is like that, it gives and never expects anything in return. Love just hopes for the best and trusts everything is as it should be.
Can you feel change blowing in the wind? Many others can as well. It all starts with health. Get healthy and everything else will come together instantly.
You do not need to know how real whole unprocessed organic food works...........just eat some and the love inside the food will take it from there.
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