One of the foundations of law is that if you know something is bad and you do nothing, it is your fault entirely for the negative outcome.
For example, if air plane mechanic knows a repair is bypassed, he is now liable if the plane goes down. If the mechanic told the supervisor and the supervisor does nothing, the supervisor is now liable and the mechanic is now not liable. The basic foundation of liability law is that whom ever knows and does nothing, is liable.
Lawyers figuratively tell their pharmaceutical clients, "look, if you may hurt someone with a medication or medical device tell the person that the product might hurt them so you can either share liability with the other person or blame them entirely for being silly enough to use the product after they find out it can hurt them".
This is basically the reasoning behind all medication and vaccine inserts. Anyone injured by this year's swine flu vaccine will become painfully aware of this legal concept very quickly.
Click here for a review of the Canadian H1N1 vaccine insert from the exact vaccine that will be given out as of this Friday to Canadians everywhere. Vaccination has started in some areas already. It reads like a legal text book on dangerous products and how to avoid legal liability for such products. But it does not stop there.
Will the swine flu vaccine be carrying any live virus? Meaning, can the vaccine give the swine flu to the people who get the vaccine?
Earlier this year a maker of one of the H1N1 vaccines was caught with live viruses in one of their flu vaccines intended for mass distribution. The vaccine manufacturer said it was a mistake, so mistakes can happen. (if you believe that story and many do not)
The viruses are grown live and then killed with formaldehyde/ultra violet light but with so many vaccines manufactured and the standard testing periods for vaccine safety bypassed, how can we know if all the viruses are killed in each and every dose?
The manufacturers also have their legal protection preset if the H1N1 vaccine does give people the swine flu (due to it containing live virus) because they are already saying vaccine recipients will only acquire 90% immunity after 10 days.
If you get the swine flu after you get the H1N1 shot, all the government will say is either a) the swine flu infected you before you became immune or b) you were only 90% immune.
Basically a blanket legal excuse (shift of liability) before the fact that the vaccine maker will in no way guarantee you do not get the swine flu whether from the vaccine itself or from catching it naturally.
The leading Medical Director at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit mentioned the chance of a waiver in this interview on a local radio talk show. (interview #9 - 4 minute and 20 second mark)
If people must sign a waiver in line just before they get a shot the waiver document will be most likely paraphrased, the signing rushed or both.
If there is a waiver, it is just another device to force the liability back onto the general public regarding their choice to stand in line for a voluntary vaccination. It means, you are demanding it so you take full responsibility.
The government is also free from liability because of the alert status the World Health Organization (The WHO) has provided during the vaccination drive. A pandemic categorization allows member countries of the WHO to duck legal liability for bypassing standard safety testing procedures set in the past regarding vaccine manufacturing.
The WHO not only made the laws regarding member countries not being liable for bypassing standard safety procedures but they are also the people who decide if it is a pandemic or not.
Aspirin killed 20,000 U.S. citizens last year alone but not a word from the WHO. Vioxx killed 75,000 people world wide and injured 120,000 with minor fanfare from the WHO.
In this situation a group of unelected officials at the WHO get to make the Canadian government not liable for the damage the government may do to their own citizens by simply writing some words on piece of paper and defining those words anyway they see fit.....all without asking Canadians for any input.
Members of The WHO include vaccine manufacturer representatives. Legally that is called a "conflict of interest" and it is illegal and immoral. The old game of, "we make the law so we also decide when it is broken".
In regards to the potential of getting partially paralyzed like this lady who was injured by this years' flu shot or like these people who were vaccine injured from the 1976 swine flu shot, vaccine manufacturers avoid liability again by making sure doctors never categorize the obvious signs of heavy metal poisoning and nerve damage from the vaccine........ as having anything to do with the vaccine.
For example, the first lady's doctor told her she had dystonia (a rare disorder that seems to happen to some people who come within inches of a vaccine clinic - that is sarcasm by the way) and the second lady was told she had Guillain-Barre syndrome. Heavy metal poisoning or nerve damage from the vaccine itself is never given any consideration by the medical community who endorses the vaccines.
As for the brain damage (Autism, aspergers, developmental delay etc) often thought to be caused by vaccines, a medical committee voted against a link between vaccines and Autism but a breaking story out of Rolling Stone Magazine exposed the transcripts of a meeting between vaccine manufacturers to fix the vote and do everything they could to kill the evidence they had in their hands that the vaccines were indeed the cause of Autism.
In the end if you or your child receive brain damage from the vaccine that bogus and manipulated committee vote will be shoved in your face to say, "see, vaccines do not cause Autism. We do not know how that happened but again you are responsible for giving the vaccine to your child because you signed the waiver and brought the child here under your own free will."
This documentary explains more on the Autism/Vaccine subject. This video is also good for summing up exactly what is occurring right now with swine flu vaccine drives across the world.
Liability for vaccine injury is set to be off loaded and entirely handed over to the general public for a vaccine that has bypassed all normal safety standards. If you get injured by the vaccine or your children are injured there is nothing you will be able to do what so ever because in the legal field you were warned and you still took it.
Imagine getting hurt or having a child get hurt and the legal field actually is set up to say, "you were dumb enough to take the vaccine after we told you the risks" ........all at the same time it is obvious all the risks were down played, covered up or both. If the vaccine injury does not kill you in that case, the frustration and stress about what happened most likely will.
Lets sum up the complete legal ambush waiting for anyone who decides to go get the vaccine and then gets vaccine injured.
The vaccine manufacturer has warned you inside the vaccine insert, you may have to sign a liability waiver on the spot before getting the vaccine, some imaginary third party government known as the WHO told Health Canada they are not liable for vaccine injuries to Canadians because the WHO said it was a pandemic when it is not, the vaccine does not guarantee you do not get the swine flu and if you do get vaccine injured like this lady, this child or these people they have bogus scientific studies and fake disease names already ready to make sure you can never legally tie your vaccine injury to the vaccine itself.
If you get vaccine injured, there is very little you can do about it because the makers of the vaccines, the WHO, the medical industry and our own government have done everything they can do to make sure you have no legal avenues what so ever to receive compensation.......not even an apology will be tabled.
Why such measures before the vaccine is rolled out if it is safe and effective?
Isn't it time you thought about this stuff yourself.
I can't make the decision for you.
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This is an excellent essay. I hope it garners further attention from both the public and media.
I know of physicians who are very concerned about the aspect of liability waivers being placed in front of patients as they are awaiting their needle. Apparently this is NOT standard procedure, and they are concerned that the government is pressuring physicians to both administer the vaccine to their patients and themselves.
Supposedly there is a questionnaire that asks if each patients personal physician supports or does not support the vaccine. Can you shed any light on this?
I believe that vaccines have served a very important role in our society (e.g. eradicating smallpox, polio, etc.), but in light of the pressure from public officials to get the H1N1 flu shot, and the near paranoia surrounding the supposed urgency to obtain a flu shot this year, leaves me a bit sceptical to say the least.
Thank you for the excellent article, and please keep following the story.
Thanks for the comment. It is much appreciated. As can be seen in the film, Vaccines: The Hidden Truth doctor after doctor comes forward after looking over the data and goes on the record that all diseases targeted by vaccines were 90-98% eliminated prior to vaccines being introduced and when the vaccines were introduced said diseases sky rocketed. Diseases elimination was because of sanitation, not the vaccines. One of the vaccine myths is that they helped control disease and frankly they only increased the targeted diseases as those diseases in the first place were more tied to bad nutrition...with the vaccine ingredients draining nutrition away from the body. Take a look. Thanks for writing.
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