Click here or watch the same video below regarding all the items, which contain hidden traces of aluminum. This toxic metal (and all other toxic metals) decays the brain by getting caught in the brain tissue. Once toxins are caught in the brain tissue the immune system continually focuses its' attack on the poison, literally opening fire on the area with a blast of free radicals. (those free radicals being generated by the immune system itself)
With the aluminium being very difficult to remove from the body and with the constant ingestion of unhealthy foods (a precursor to most disease), the immune system's bombardment of the area never ceases.........ending with the areas of dead tissue these diseases are famous for.
The cause of most diseases are toxins, in conjunction with nutritionally depleted foods......as the nutrition in live organic food holds the key to transporting the toxins safely out of the body. The worst foods of course hold the most toxins. That means the toxic loads are the highest in processed foods, with the same processed foods having almost no ability what so ever to help the body remove the poisons. Think about it like moving toward your worst life at warp speed.
The people who eat unhealthy foods are also most likely to seek toxic drug treatments instead of considering diet and lifestyle changes to address their loss of vitality.
It is easy to pinpoint people who live inside this cycle. You greet them as any other person and they start into a long rant about drugs, doctors, their pain, their diseases, upcoming medical tests, the results of past medical tests, their disease being genetic and very rare, new appointments coming up with out of town specialists etc etc. You know the type. You see them 6 years later and guess what............they are more sick even though all they do is take drugs, talk to doctors who sell drugs and never change their lifestyle. Imagine that.
Do you think that the Alzheimer's Society of Canada tells their members about the items highlighted in the video above, proven to cause Alzheimers? Do you think the Alzheimer's Society of Canada sells natural cures on their website or drugs and treatments? (treatments mean you coach the disease to stay around as long as possible....they also call it "managing the disease".........just like managing a business but there are no rewards...only failures and more disease) Take a look for yourself by visiting their site.
Building a hospital at the bottom of a steep cliff and caring for the people as they fall down the cliff is not sound charity work.
In the next blog I will review a "healthy brain" recipe on the website of The Alzheimer's Society of Canada and prove (beyond the shadow of a doubt) that consuming it will cause a full out disease state in the body, which includes cellular brain damage.
Just wait until we see the cumulative effects of adults getting regular flu shots. One study found the risk of dementia to be 10X higher in those who had between 2 and 5 consecutive flu shots (yearly) compared with those who had no flu shots.
Who will look after these poor folks? The radicals who don't get the shots and eat real food, of course!
“Building a hospital at the bottom of a steep cliff and caring for the people as they fall down the cliff is not sound charity work”. ~Jason Christoff
Jason, the above quote comment reminds me of the old sheep saying...following each other off of the proverbial cliff but the black sheep take the stairs. :)
Also writing to tell you that with the help of your blog, the words of Claudia Calvos, myself and others, the ‘MANDATORY’ has been dropped as regards to the now available Swine Flu Vaccines in Costa Rica. The peoples are now afforded at the very least, the freedom of choice with regard what substances they put in their bodies. It’s a step....
My 11 year old as you know was vaccinated against my wishes. However as far as I know she is okay. For now. Lord only knows about down the road.
Thank you again for all you do.
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