In no particular order.
continued from the last blog............
4. The H1N1 swine flu no-demic. Anyone who did not get the swine flu shot may want to stand up and say "I told ya so" and anyone who got the shot are still wondering if they did the right thing.
Regardless of which side you are on, everyone involved can see that the pandemic was over hyped and heavily manipulated. The scam would not be so obvious if the parties doing the "over hyping" and "manipulating" where not the same government institutions and companies who benefit directly from vaccine sales, fear and the on going illnesses vaccines are famous for facilitating.
Canadians have got to start refusing to allow the government institutions they pay for, with their tax dollars, from being hijacked by corporate interests. Freedom means knowing vaccines are available and getting them if someone chooses to, after getting both sides of the story or doing their own research. (if they even think doing the research is even worth the bother)
Freedom is not about trusted government institutions forwarding an entirely one sided argument regarding a product and then drowning Canadians under a tsunami of one sided advertising regarding the same product.
I did not get the swine flu vaccine. My wife did not get it and of course my daughter did not receive the H1N1 vaccine, as she has never had one vaccine in her entire life. (and yes she still goes to school because you do not need to be vaccinated to go to any school in Canada)
I personally know of about 5 people who received the H1N1 shot and everyone who received the vaccine got extremely ill in the week following. One almost died right after the shot. A couple readers from the U.S. also e-mailed telling me that they were paralyzed in their extremities after the shot. That is a very small group to draw any hard conclusions from.
In reality the people I know who got the shot are always sick, as they all lead unhealthy lifestyles so to blame their sickness on the vaccines may be actually going too far. Saying that, having them all fall ill after the vaccination is highly suspicious.
Given the circulating ideas about vaccines there is a good chance my friends are always sick because of their constant use of vaccines and their constant involvement with the drug and cut based medical system. Putting chemicals in the body in the pursuit of health improvement has to be biggest bold faced lie ever circulated in recorded history.
The idea that vaccines are designed to increase illness and profit by making a certain class of people perpetually ill is discussed here by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
I believe the point is that vaccines are just an extension of an already unhealthy lifestyle, belief system and mental program. On the most basic level, without any medical training what so ever, any person can investigate the common ingredients in vaccines and see they are indeed poisonous. Anyone can also easily understand that the body's evolutionary defenses are based on eating poisons or absorbing poisons through one of the open holes in the body (the nose, the anus, the urethra, the eyes etc). To think the immune system is designed to safely detox poisons injected under the skin is not logical.
Health is about living naturally, as all healthy living principles are built upon this simple foundation. Injecting man made toxins under the skin is not natural and the people who get all their vaccines are often very far from optimal wellness.
The links below should be watched carefully before the next fear based vaccine promotional drive is cut loose on our society by the people and institutions who profit when we are obese, diseased, mentally impaired and dysfunctional.
Click here to watch some of the world's most educated doctors speak against the H1N1 vaccine.
Click here to listen to a doctor admit that the H1N1 vaccine is far more deadly than the virus and that he in no way intends on giving it to himself or any of his family.
Click here to watch Gary Null PhD testify against vaccine safety in regards to the forced vaccination of New York State Health Workers. After the evidence was presented, the state backed down for obvious reasons and no forced vaccination declaration was passed.
Click here to listen to Dr. Russell Blaylock review the dangers of vaccines in general.
Click here to watch one of the world's leading pediatricians warn parents about the dangers of vaccines.
Click here to listen to one of Canada's leading medical professionals regarding the business behind vaccinations.
Click here to read the explosive story, reporting how vaccine manufacturers found out vaccines did cause Autism and what they did to cover it up.
Click here to listen to The Head of The National Vaccine Information Center talk about vaccine safety.
Here are some other good documentaries on the dangers of vaccines in general.
Click here to watch "Autism: Made in the USA"
Click here to watch "Vaccine Nation".
Click here to watch "Vaccines: The Hidden Truth"
Click here to watch a trailer for the documentary, "Autism Yesterday-Autism is Reversible"
Click here to watch a trailer for the autism documentary, "Finding The Words"
Click here to listen to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explain the dangers of all vaccines.
Click here to listen to a really interesting interview with health expert Aajonus Vonderplanitz, regarding the vaccination hoax.
Some more links about the truth about vaccines are below.
I am still wondering how my 2 children have lived a combined 7 years without a vaccine, antibiotic, over the counter medicine or M.D. check-up without ever being seriously ill. How is this possible? Doesn't "health," require thousands of tax dollars per year?
If my kids weren't the healthiest children most have ever seen, you would have to call me a negligent parent! Oh wait, many already do. I guess the joke is on them.
P.S. Tongue firmly planted in cheek.
Are you aware that Colloidal silver has now officially been banned throughout the European Union! It can no longer be legally sold in any health food store in the EU as a nutritional supplement.
See here;
Regards Jim
PS thanks for your excellent blog and e mail alerts.
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