Thursday, January 21, 2010

H1N1 Vaccine Makers Now Under Criminal Investigation

Where was the H1N1 pandemic that was supposed to kill millions across the world? That is what countries around the globe are now asking as well and they may want their money back if they can prove criminal collusion (fraud) between vaccine manufacturers and The WHO. (The World Health Organization).

Should be pretty easy given many of the members of The WHO are also employed by vaccine manufacturers and are placed on The WHO to influence policy. Click here or watch the same video below.

Near 2 billion dollars was hijacked from Canadian wallets and shipped overseas to foreign drug manufacturers. That is theft, plain and simple with many of our own government authorities cheer leading the entire propaganda campaign.

Canadians should also do their own investigation regarding what happened federally, provincially and locally. Some Canadian health officials are still parroting the swine flu con. Either Canadians health authorities are part and parcel of the deception or at the very least are lacking any "outside the box" thinking ability. The bigger the ego, the less likely the ego will ever consider the idea that a third party sold them a fib or untruth.

We all need to move away from taking drugs in an attempt to be healthy. It does not work, never has and never will. What is ending as the most elaborate drug scam in recorded history may start what our health care system fears the most................a spiritual awakening of the masses....where millions are waking up to the fact that we all have been taken advantage of for the people we trust with our health.

No one who participates in the health system is healthy. That should also be the first clue.

Take care of your own health and put them out of business. It is that simple. Send them all packing to the unemployment lines. The people who steal your money, worsen your health and end the lives of your loved ones prematurely deserve no better treatment than being put to the curb.

Stop taking drugs (all drugs, not just prescription) and apply the simple foundations of health to your life, in order to build health. Read this book, this book or watch this DVD to learn about the foundations of health. It is that simple. Choke off the profit that feeds the system by making yourself healthy and do not buy their products.........even if they are offered for in the case of the H1N1 vaccine.

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