What happens when you get food makers wanting to push unhealthy crops as being good for your health? (just because those crops are cheap to grow and therefore highly profitable) You get margarine and an organized media attack on butter, which all started well before many of us were even born?
What happens when you put things in your mouth that your body has never seen before? You get disease on a massive scale? (the exact same diseases that margarine was advertised to decrease)
Click here or watch the same video below to find out how the vegetable oil scam started and why the saturated fat scare is one of the largest dietary myths of all time. When settlers landed on the east coast of North America, they did not make it safely across to California eating low fat milk and margarine. I can assure you of that.
Just this week a conventional medical doctor called for a ban on butter, basically because he has an ego. As stated in many previous blogs, an egos' most dangerous characteristic is that it believes it is too intelligent to be sold a fib or untruth.
Doctor's are groomed into a large ego position by their governing bodies (who are in turn controlled by the forces who know exactly how to use that rock solid ego to their advantage) and this makes medical doctors the best sales people for any idea that makes no sense what so ever. (and ideas that have no observational evidence to back them up)
Click here or watch the same video below regarding the historical benefits of butter and clean saturated fat.
When someone follows one piece of government sanctioned advice, without any independent research, they usually follow it all and this is called The Cluster Effect. The Cluster Effect takes people down like a assassin's shot to the temple.
The conventional medical establishment endorses most if not all of the factors listed in this Cluster Effect article and that is why anyone under the care of that system is extremely sick and never regains optimal health. These people stay sick because the information is wrong. The negative results are nothing more than a reflection of incorrect information. We all know what bad results look like and we all know bad information gives incorrect results.
Click here and here to read about the dangers of margarine and vegetable oils. (and the doctor who said to ban butter) In my lectures I rank the dangers of processed vegetable oils higher than anything else you could place in your mouth. They are deadly and unhealthy.
Always remember how unhealthy conventional medical professionals protect themselves from these types of articles. First, I am not a doctor so I do not know what I am talking about. (that is their first line of defense) As for the doctors inside the videos and articles throughout this blog post, who say clean butter and clean saturated fats are healthy and margarine is unhealthy........they are then called quacks. (that is the second line of defense) As for anyone who uses this information to get healthy.........it then becomes chance coincidence, insignificant or a medical miracle. (even though conventional medicine had nothing to do with the healing......they step right in and quickly attach the word "medicine" to the word "miracle" when the body is the only factor responsible for the healing)
Just know the cycle and know how the scam works, inside and out.
If I was hired by the CIA to kill someone and make it look accidental or disempower them on all levels, I would start with giving the target as much margarine and vegetable oil based salad dressing as possible. Then when the target gets sick I would encourage them to go see their doctor.
The medical system would just take care of it from there and my work is done. (bad food + toxic drugs = an accelerated death) That is how you turn powerful humans into sheep who complain all day long about their drugs, their pain, their medical tests and their new appointments with out of town specialists for more drugs.........that never work and only increase the pain. The point is that when you are living your worst life, you can't live your best one.
Such unhealthy vegetable oils are also directly related to cancer growth and spread, as described here in Dr. Blaylock's ground breaking cancer treatment (cure) book.
Think you are not eating any of these unhealthy vegetable oils? Check the box of any processes food, spread or salad dressing you have in your fridge right now. Check for soy oil, canola oil, safflower oil, corn oil, sunflower oil or cotton seed oil.
Think going to your doctor is good for your health? Find someone who goes to their doctor on a regular basis,.........open your eyes and then think about the amount of resources it must have taken to teach an entire generation that being sick is a the best way to stay healthy?
A fib so large that it is obvious why most people can't consider it for more than a couple seconds. When you realize you have been sold a fib, the ego wants to run and run fast.
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