Click here, here, here and here to listen to various medical professionals speak out and warn people about the H1N1 vaccine.
Here is some other good documentaries on vaccines in general.
Click here to watch "Autism: Made in the USA"
Click here to watch "Vaccine Nation".
Click here to watch "Vaccines: The Hidden Truth"
Click here to listen to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explain the dangers of all vaccines.
Had a employee from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit come into my place of work today to let me and my staff know that what they say at The Health Unit was the truth, the only truth and nothing but the truth.
This health care worker let one of my staff members know that she was highly educated and my information (including all the information given by the doctors above) was wrong.
The people at the Health Unit are great. They are all fine and caring citizens of our community. It is the mandate that is incorrect.
I challenge anyone at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit to sign a form guaranteeing any citizen receiving the H1N1 vaccination will not be vaccine injured in anyway.
We actually have such a form right here already made by a medical doctor who tells his patients to avoid vaccines.
If vaccines were healthy, do you not think I would be the first in line?
As for the lady from the Health Unit who entered my place of work yesterday....educated in what, is what I would like to know? Lets put to rest exactly what I am educated in and what people who challenge me like this are educated in.
I challenge anyone from the health unit to a competition of third party health improvement. Lets get my education out in the open.
Lets take 2 people of equal health deficiencies and lets see who can nurse the person back to optimal wellness the quickest. The health unit staff member can even set any criteria they want to denote what health improvement means. Lowered cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar balance, body fat, body weight, bowel movements, sexual function, hair lustre, I.Q. improvement etc.....anything they wish.
If I lose, I will promise to close this blog down and never write another article about vaccines ever again.
Any takers?
Lets see what my education can do compared to any health professional at the Health Unit. They can even work as a team. It does not matter to me.
I will even use my own money and anyone from the Health Unit is permitted to spend as much of the government's money as they wish. No budget limitations.
You can literally burn as much public money away as you can to try and make people healthy with ideas that don't make people healthy. So just business as usual I guess.
'Health' Unit..........I have never seen the word "Health" so misused since my arrival on the planet in 1970.
What does the Health Unit really stand for? Health or drugs.........the general populations need clear direction with this issue.
If you can't provide health, take the word off the building so the people are not so confused. Call it the brith control pill, Tamilfu, vaccine, tylenol and baby formula unit etc instead. Make sure the people know what is going on in there.
Again, the people at the Health Unit are great. They are all fine and caring citizens of our community. It is the mandate that is incorrect.
Hi Jason
I will be your subject. I pity the person that the Health unit gets
BRAVA! Jason, I hope they take you up on this challenge!
As a short, personal, testimonial I can attest to your knowing what you are doing at your place of business. Through your HEALTH program, I lost 110 pounds in nine months, was taken off the drug to wake me up in the morning, was taken off the drug to put me to sleep at night, was taken off the aspirin drug to thin my blood, was taken off the cholesterol drug, was taken of the metabolism drug, was taken off the heart drug and was taken off the drug to regulate my blood sugar. I lost the weight and have maintained thus reasonably well, and have my type 2 diabetes completely under control. Thanks to your EDUCATION, my life was saved as was surely in the case of the medical system –had I left myself to their EDUCATION, I’d be dead.
Warm regards,
If we only know everything it would scare us and I mean that. All the information that I get is from reading the internet is wonderful you can get educated,and see both sides of the story knowledge is power. They don’t want you to have that they want to keep the fear and the unknown, get people to run for their poison to keep you coming back for more. There will never be a cure for Cancer or heart disease in the form of a magic pill (we already have the cure) to let people still consume bad food and drink. You can’t cure disease with Radiation, Pills etc... They are all poison we need to fix the problem of what we and society is dictating to us. We pay a health tax but we can’t decide what is health to us they tell you what is healthy, I can’t go to my chiropractor OHIP does not pay for that as it really dose help people, and they don’t want that. They will pay for the operation to fix my back and pay a pension for the rest of my life, but the $38 a month to stay fit and working they will not pay that. I need to pay out of my pocket to stay viable and working and in good health. But yet if I want a sex change OHIP will pay for that no problem and pay for the pills that I will need for the rest of my life. It does not make since we let them dictate to us what is health and what is accepted and we are in a free country guess how free we really are I will let you figure that out
HI Jason,
just wanted to drop a quick hello. i was browsing and reading info on the vaccine and happened on your blog. very informative links. i am also in eastern ontario; from the research that I have been doing online I am very convinced that the flu vaccine is all about greed, power and manipulation. Unfortunately they are effective at controlling the masses , even when professionals and doctors are challenging them and saying it is unsafe neurologically to take this vaccine.
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