In the U.S. many people loved the idea of Barrack Obama but the people who "picked" him already knew he would be a hit. Do you think Barrack Obama is a great leader? Do you think his Presidency means change or do you think it means more of the same?
Well, if you are in the majority you think Obama is sent to save the day and there could not have been a better pick for President.
Like anything else, there are two sides of the story. Click here or here for some of the "other stories" regarding President Barrack Obama.
When President Barack Obama was running for President I wrote about The United States Mother's Act that would allow third party health professionals to force medicate new mothers and pregnant mothers (against their will) with drugs proven to endanger the life of both mother and child.
All interference like this is based on ideas that "higher ups" are decreed a natural right to interfere and control others. (the feeble minded etc)
Senator Barrack Obama (not President at the time) and Senator Hilary Clinton both had a hand in formulating the Mother's Act. Both have received financial support from drug companies so that whom ever gets elected can place drugs before liberty and personal safety.
Just in the blog below I wrote this quote yesterday; "Imagine a business that can make laws, which force you to buy their products against your free will?" Well, Barack Obama pushed through a health care reform bill that forces Americans to submit to toxic drugs and surgeries or they will be thrown in jail. Click here or watch the same 1 minute video below.
Step one, tax the people to pay for the police and armed forces. Step two, use that might to force people to participate in a system that only worsens their health and life on every level imaginable. Step three, employee as many people within the government to get automatic loyalty from that part of the population and then hope that support creates a domino effect and tsunami of social pressure that ends with a wave of conformity........regardless if it worsens life, liberty, health, the family unit etc. Step four, sell unhealthy ideas using fear and promote laws that restrict your freedom of choice as improving your safety, supporting the troops, improving national security etc.
You cannot be healthy taking drugs and removing your organs. The people who make the drugs and do the surgeries are already aware of that so why do you think they are trying to force medicate and keep removing organs from regular Americans? Dr. Russell Blaylock has the answer. Click here to listen.
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Seriously...we get that you're into health, but do you really think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy? Yes, the government has its flaws, but I find it very hard to believe that their main priority consists of poisoning an entire population for financial gain. We all know that with most things, money corrupts. It clouds visions and can redirect goals, but c'mon. What you're saying can easily be interpreted as conspiracy theory.
I would sincerely like to know what political ideology you suggest we adopt? I read you're blogs and feel like I'm doomed since I live in a capitalist society that is constantly working against me. In your own personal utopian society, how would you govern?
Important questions indeed. Thanks for writing. There is always calm inside any storm. No storm lasts forever. Conspiracy theories are just what the majority calls the minorities' business plans. To the small groups we are talking about, these are not conspiracy theories...this is business. I am in business and always have been. Business people can see these plans in action more easily than nost for the same reason a lobster fisherman knows what the weather will be like for the next 2 days. During war, the cost of life is devalued immensely...to the point where life is not given any value what so ever. We all can agree that during war, this has indeed happened on the planet. To think such a devaluing of life in general cannot happen during peaceful times (that is a relative term of course) is not logical, in my opinion. Not everyone will put the pieces together in time but if you read history there has always been one group or another on the receiving end, who has been caught by their own programming that the worst can never happen to them. I completely understand your point either way. I am just trying to teach people how to live in this society, in the healthiest way possible. Yes, some groups are trying to program the general population for their worst lives. Just avoid it. It is that simple.
I would not govern at all because people do not need governing. We are sold the idea that we need leading. Nothing could be further from the truth. A fetus forms without any leading and bees find flowers without governing from a third party. 99.9% of everything on the planet happened without governing from any third party. The governing is where all the problems come from. People who govern do not think they can govern themselves on a personal level. Governing is for groups who want to control others. People who ask to be governed, will be. As a business man my entire day revolves around me telling myself what to do, so the entire concept is very foreign to me. The benefits of designing your own path are vast. Thanks for reading the blog and making comments. Fire any more questions over. They are good questions.
You would not govern? Look at Somalia and see how their lack of government affects them as well as the rest of the world. Leadership is necessary in order for populations to be sustainable. You use the example of nature, however, fail to consider the other thousands and thousands of species which rely on governing. For example, dogs, felines, even ants rely on the "alpha" male/female to lead the pack. The point of what I'm trying to make is that when ever you have populations of organisms greater than 1, populations of organisms naturally form some sort of entity that provides direction and leadership. Just a thought.
""African nations have always been the target of foreign powers for destabilization. Unfortunately I see the Somalia example as backing my point but again I see your point as well. Why do you think some nations are poor (who have lots to offer) and some nations are rich? Why do you think DeBeers is rich but Africa is extremely poor, as a whole? Why do you think China has the death penalty for drugs. It is because China found out Britain had a plan to destabilize the entire country with drugs and then use that destabilization as a foot hold for foreign control. May I suggest the book "The Confessions of An Economic Hitman" by John Perkins as to how this is done and has always been done.
Natural leadership in the animal kingdom is very different than advertising something like toxic vaccines as safe to the uneducated masses. Animals do not lie or manipulate each other for profit because there is no profit to be had and there are no material items beyond what nature provides for free....so money and profit do not exist. Only man kills for sport and profit.
May I also suggest this movie http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7065205277695921912# to educate on the dangers of modern leadership. With 80% of the population overweight or on one medication or more it is also easy to conclude that the leadership is not sound. I suggest something different in my blogs of course but even on a basic level it is hard to escape the reality that people are sick and all modern countries carry enormous debt that makes complete control of the population necessary in the near future.
Education outside what the government has taught us is necessary to see what the government does not want us to see. If we just argue back and fourth using what they taught us, we never really get anywhere because there is more out there than what they want us to know.
We are powerful and need no governing because we have an internal genetic code of what is right and what is wrong. We do not need anything. Everything we need is already programmed within ourselves. This is the secret that has always been kept from us. There is no need to go to doctors because we can make ourselves healthy and we do not need to go to church to be saved because we can save ourselves. Third parties directing in anyway are not necessary. The idea that we need third parties (who work for profit) is the oldest sales pitch in the book.
Keep writing. Those are indeed good points. Learning to disagree in peace is something that needs to be taught throughout our society. Thanks again.
In Canada we already are forced to buy health insurance with the threat of jail. AND we don't even get to choose which insurance we buy! Everybody (in this province) gets OHIP(Ontario's Horrible Illness Plan).
If anyone thinks this is not true, try witholding %50 of your next provincial tax bill with the reason that you won't be using OHIP and see what happens.
To make it worse, while paying out of pocket for things that promote health for my family like high quality food, regular chiropractic care, and athletic activities, even more taxes go to pay for propoganda pushing vaccines that I have to fight to protect my kids from.
I do not see this as a conspiracy but a system gone completely wrong. The only solution I see is for a growing mass of INDIVIDUALS becoming more aware, more responsible and lead by example.
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