When life is taught to be the result of chance occurrences, as opposed to being designed by a caring force, it can indirectly move people toward a "me me me" sort of mentality.
It is a lot harder to answer the question "why am I here?" if you believe your existence is based on nothing but chance occurrence.
It is also easy to be violent, tough and addicted to self protection if you were taught that only the strongest survive. (the survival of the fittest) It is easier to be a bully if you think that domination of your environment (and the people in it) is the primary factor determining your survival.
Survival of the fittest means some die and some live, based on their ability to adapt. If you live this to the nth degree you could want to start controlling everything in your world with this theory as your sole justification.
Controlling others regardless of the consequences or means can be justified if you think the environment is going to start picking who lives and who dies. If you live this to the nth degree you may also graduate to taking the place of the environment, in charge of who lives and who dies.
It is easy to look at others as the enemy if you believe the survival of the fittest theory.
If you do not see the design and intelligence within your existence you can also miss the super intelligence programmed into your body. By never being exposed to the discovered intelligence found inside the body and nature people are just more likely to trust pharmaceuticals and surgeries.
If someone has health issues and has never been taught about the intelligent design within the body, they will turn to third parties for help instead of turning to that designed intelligence.
If you have no faith that your body can take care of things, then you will rely on third parties to take care of things.
How intelligent is the design behind the inner workings of nature? Click here or watch the same video below to find out. It would be really hard not to find this information completely mind blowing.
If you are interested in the complete documentary from which the above clip was taken you can click here or watch the same video below.
Why don't you think that information has ever appeared on your Internet homepage?
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