On Oct. 8th our tax dollars rented space in the Standard Freeholder so the Head Medical Officer of Health at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit could talk about ways to deal with the swine flu.
Here is a video and article (from the Standard Freeholder) that sums up the stance my readers are well aware of, in regards to local health authorities constantly selling the population the idea that health can be found by placing chemicals in your mouth or injecting them into your body.
Just look at the article linked above regarding how to avoid the swine flu.....there is absolutely nothing mentioned about living a healthy lifestyle. None, zero, zippo, nada...
Here are the results of extensive research just released today that proves vaccines are pushed mainly on "belief" and that vaccines have very little scientific evidence to back their use. Basically the use of vaccines is founded more on superstition than science.
That is not even the point today. The point today is that within both the Standard Freeholder article on Oct 8th and this video/article link, an anti-viral medication is also advised called Tamiflu to help deal with the swine flu.
Here is the odd part....in 2005 Health Canada issued a warning on Tamiflu stating that out of 84 adverse events reported regarding Tamiflu..10 were fatal. That means 84 people reported problems while taking Tamiflu.........10 of those problems were that the people had died. Not to sure why there is not a better category at Health Canada for people dying after taking medication. Calling death "an adverse event" just seems to fall short a bit........don't you think?
Just one year later Health Canada had to issue another warning as people taking Tamilfu were reporting.... delirium, suicidal tendencies and suicide itself.
Recent news clearly demonstrates that Tamilfu's manufacturers used calculated fraud and manipulated science to get Tamiflu approved for use on the general public.
Basically, North Americans are so used to being lied to that there is probably little use in trying to explain that when the "Medical Officer of Health" in Cornwall promotes a drug like this without any warnings.......that it should be looked at as highly suspicious.
......and the story of how these chemicals will hurt your health does not stop there.
Oddly enough Tamiflu is only recommended for people who are really sick. The sick people get the most dangerous chemicals. Makes sense, right? Not really.
An unnatural chemical that people call medicine, which potentially killed 10 out of 84 people who reported adverse effects regarding the drug, is recommended for patients who are really sick and weak. Sounds logical, right? Not really.
If I take poison and my sick grandmother takes poison, who do you think has a better chance of dying from it? She does of course...so why are they recommending this poison for sick people? Why do most people accept poison being labeled as medicine and why do most people think poison will improve their health? It literally baffles the mind.
It doesn't even end there.... Drug companies and the government repeaters are scrambling to cover up as much as this information as possible, as they try to move this nearly expired stock pile of Tamiflu. If you "Google" Health Canada Warnings For Tamiflu today you get this sort of report coming up.
The immense number of hits regarding a new dosage based Health Canada warning literally floods out all the other "web hits" that appeared last month about the 2005 "fatal" warnings on Tamiflu. It appears the new warning was designed to hide the old warnings from view because the new warning is less damaging.
The new dosage warnings regarding Tamiflu basically states,....watch out how much Tamiflu you take because too much can kill you. Thanks for the heads up. Take poison in small doses. OK, I get it. Great advice.
When is the last time one serving of broccoli or cauliflower would make you healthy but two servings left you dead. People are not committing suicide around the world by eating 5 servings of organic food...........they grab for drugs.........because drugs are poisons. If you think a little dose of any poison is good for you..........you may want to give yourself a time out and not come out of the corner until you know why you were bad.
Not much time left now. The count down is on. Watch for the line ups of sheeple at the Health Unit and the hospital.
The common man's conspiracy theory is usually a rich man's business plan.
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When you live in a world that is as rapidly changing as is ours, so many issues seem to come and go so quickly that much appears a blur. There are so many factors to take into consideration when debating the best method to maintain well being in a world that appears so wildly out of synch with what truly fosters physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. Thank Jason you for pointing out these warning signs that Health Canada believes are marginal factors in it's decision to endorse Tamiflu. I'm with you however in my belief that profit here trumps complete well being. In July of this year Roche hiked it's profit goals as Tamiflu sales tripled and despite my sounding "out there" this constitutes governmental intervention which in my mind meets a definition of corporatism. Endorsing a product which results in death 12% of the time hardly appears to promote well being. In England the Gaurdian reported that 51% of children taking this antiviral reported side-effects causing the government to cease use of it as a preventative. GlaxoSmithKline too reports profits have surged recently due in no small part to its "vaccine franchise." In my mind the push for profit too often appears to usurp the need for true health.
There is no doubt that the magic pill people are among the most ethically challenged on earth. Retail health professionals supported by retail media and retail government have combined to clearly become the preeminent stalking hydra on the planet, and have succeeded in muffling or completely silencing all opposition. The days of relative simplicity determining disease process vs syndrome are long gone and the development of synthetic substances including food and medicine are so rapid, mobile and ubiquitous that mapping the path of carcinogens or disease causing substances have become hobbled by uncertainty. Those parties committed to concentrating wealth have seized upon this environment as a formidable hedge against liability (particularly when symptoms are latent or vague). More often than not, the perpetrator is aware of the malfeasance and gleefully accepts to undertake the investigation in search of the cause. Check and mate.
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