First you spray a heavy metal pesticide (lead arsenate) on crops in the early 1900's. When the people develop classic symptoms of heavy metal poisoning (nerve cell death leading to paralysis of limbs and lungs etc) you tell people a new virus has emerged and call it a brand new name, polio.
You take taxpayers money and fly to Africa to develop a vaccine for a disease that does not exist. Scientists then use monkey kidneys on which to grow the ingredients for the vaccine but monkey HIV and monkey cancer viruses are transferred into the human vaccine from the monkey tissue.
This starts the AIDS epidemic, beginning in groups that have lower immune function. Most people that had that vaccine version will have the AIDS/cancer virus within them but doctors are told not to test certain groups for AIDS when people from that group present AIDS symptoms.
Next scientists, governments and various traditional "do gooders" (they are in every community across the world and they raise/take your money for issues they are not always completely informed about) raise money for a new AIDS vaccine even though vaccines have already been proven to have started the problem and are worthless at invoking long term immunity to the targeted disease.
When the new polio vaccine also increases polio in the vaccinated people (because it contains a heavy metal) the Canadian and U.S. governments lay down a new law that polio cases have to be classified as new diseases with the same paralytic symptoms like MS, dystonia, ALS, muscular neuropathy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome or infantile paralysis etc. This way polio looks like it decreased yet it actually increased because of the vaccine itself.
This number based manipulation allows the vaccine myth to move forward at lighting speed among the uneducated population. The trend of medicine making disease worse is again hidden from view for profit.
This fine tradition continues today.
All this when good nutrition is believed to protect the body against all viruses, even AIDS.
As the population is placed into a diseased state by a medical system that only brings disease, the population and their ruling governments keep spending money in areas where no solutions are to be found. (these are complex historical issues that are connected through various scientific disciplines so don't expect your local politicians to have any idea that any of this is occuring)
This bankrupts the people and their government. At that time, both parties are forced to bow to world lenders and literally sell away their freedoms one piece at a time to keep the money flowing into the areas of futility.
You could at least sign the petition to stop the HST I hope.
The bankrupting of our nation is where we are in this story. The constant draining of money away from the people and into a system that will never find solutions because they are looking in the wrong places.
More rules just means more rule breakers by definition. More government and more laws are not what is needed
You need one of two things occurring to solve this problem. We need scientists to admit their intelligence is not complete or parents need to come forward and forgive their government and medical system for hurting their health (and the health of their children) consistently for the last 100 years. Who wants to go first?
Don't wait around too long for any of that to occur.
There are 2 choices. Take care of yourself or submit to the system that moves forward only because admitting to the mistakes is just too painful. You see the road ending at the cliff's edge but you just keep driving because that is what you have always done.
If you can't change your mind, don't expect to change your life.
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