What happens when you order a couple billion dollars worth of vaccines and over 50% of the population does not get vaccinated, despite your best fear based advertising campaign?
Well, you ramp it all up again by telling Canadians a second wave of the flu pandemic is coming even though the first wave never came in the first place.
Just a couple billion wasted in a country where our provincial government (Ontario) is near $200 billion in debt and the federal government is near $500 billion in debt. Nothing to see here. Ready for your new 8% HST July 1st, 2010.
If our government was a business, it would be closed yet many citizens continue to cheer on the mind less spending. What many Canadians are not aware of is that this money is owed to off shore banks. The money is borrowed and the interest on the Federal loan is $84 million A DAY! Can you fathom a guess as to what collateral a country has to put up in order to attain loans of this size? I suggest you find out in order to get a firm understanding of how this all works.
Why are government officials and conventional medical professionals more willing to lean toward the idea of vaccine safety in the face of the mountains of evidence, which directly links vaccines to gross metabolic damage and decreases in health?
Click here or watch the same video below in order to see that exact question discussed?
Friday, December 18, 2009
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Jason, you know, you really ought to be writing for MAJOR places. You are doing such a wonderful job. And your efforts are seemingly tireless. Thank you so very much.
On another note, my ex-husband caved in to all the fear hype when that little girl in Cornwall died of that bogus Swine Flu and vaccinated our 11 year old daughter against my wishes.
With all of the good you do in here, I am grateful, but you know, I'm still heartsick for my little girl...
Thank you again. Please keep my child in your heart?
Imagine you came down from another planet and were told that in order to make your child healthy you would be required to regularly inject them with animal cells, embalming fluid and heavy metals. How would that appear? Who are the quacks? History will look upon vaccination as the most destructive and misled campaign in humanity. It will make bloodletting look like child's play.
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