Barack Obama receives a noble prize for peace and then sends 30,000 more troops into a war that his country started. Makes sense right? Picture driving to work today and having to be spot checked by tanks and heavily armed soldiers. When your spouse and kids then leave the house, they are also spot checked or searched in that manner. Think the reasons for being in Afghanistan are sound? Get other opinions and then reprocess the idea.
The HST passes and all tiers of government tell the reporters (so they can tell the people) that less money in the pockets of the working class is good for the economy. Makes sense.
Doctors are told by drug companies that mercury laden vaccines will make you immune to sickness. Just get the vaccine on your way home from work and regardless of your lifestyle you are instantly immune to getting sick. Sounds logical.
Surgeries that remove organs from the body are healthy. You need all the parts in your car but you don't need all the parts in your body. Makes sense.
The Canadian government fires Dr. Chiv Chopra at Health Canada because he dared question a drug proven to increase cancer risk. No big deal.
The Canadian Federal government starts passing laws suggested by an unelected off shore board made up of bankers, pharmaceutical interests and business leaders that make healthy supplements illegal in Canada. The government calls taking away your freedom of choice "consumer protection". Nothing important to see here.
We now have climate change controversy setting the stage for the biggest global tax scheme in world history and a massive reduction in freedoms, giving governments the potential right to enter homes without warrants, conduct personal searches etc without court interference.............all to see if people are complying with new global warming laws. Sounds reasonable if we are indeed in danger but the science behind the global warming movement is proving to have been manipulated for profit. Don't worry, nothing important.
How can you lie right to a person's face and then have that person turn around and spread the lie to everyone around them as the truth? How can you make a person, who is the target of a scam, cheer lead and fund the scam.
It is one thing to be shot with a gun but to be forced to pay for the bullets, pay for the gun, pay the wage of the person using the gun and then to have actually supported the entire situation by doing absolutely nothing to stop it............this must set some new record level of laziness in human history.
Either a new record for low I.Q or a new record for how a government manipulates it's people. Either way, this is happening and it can be stopped but you do need to particpate. The solution is much easier than you may think.
How is this all done, right in front of us? Dr. Russell Blaylock explains the entire ground work that makes all this possible.
What we eat matters greatly because what we eat affects our brain function. Learn what it means to eat well with this book or this book. It is the only way to disassemble what is discussed above. You can do it. There is time and there is much hope.
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1 comment:
wow........can't say enough....great.
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