I was watching Canada AM over the holiday and could not help but notice that this program was designed in a way that reminded me of the book "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein.
The primary idea behind the shock doctrine concept is that government and corporations have discovered that the best way to persuade a population to get behind unhealthy ideas is to first get the population into a state of fear or panic. (a prime example of this is the tabling of a cancer diagnosis and then moving to the endorsement of cancer causing chemotherapy and radiation) The fear comes first and then the selling of unhealthy products comes second.
From that platform of panic, ideas or products are easily sold to the people who have been unknowingly broken down into a child-like state.
The two episodes of Canada AM I was forced to watch over the holidays were indeed shock doctrine in action.
Click here for a short video going over the basis of the book "The Shock Doctrine" or just click below.
As I watched Canada AM I would first see a short clip about one person dying in a car accident over the holidays........that starts the fear moving unknowingly in the viewer's mind.
Right after that we then had the Head Medical Officer of Canada on to discuss why Canadians still need to get their H1N1 shots because a third wave is coming. Canadians are supposed to forget that a first wave never came, let alone a second. Ontario's health Minister has already declared the pandemic a "dud" and a complete waste of our money. (but no mention of that of course)
Right after that we would have another segment about another single death somewhere in the country (like someone slipping on the ice and knocking their head) and then they cut right to a clip reviewing why food addiction is now a disease to be treated with medications.
All this when the primary chemical that makes foods addictive is approved for use in our foods. (and again no mention of that)
Most people watching this would be thinking this is valuable information but I see it as a double poisoning. First a poisoning with the addictive food additives and then a poisoning with medications. Poisoned people actually react better to shock doctrine type promotions. A polluted mind is already in a permanent state of chemical fear.
Right after that on Canada AM was yet another report of a single death somewhere in Canada. (like someone dying at a shopping mall etc.......this is not real news but that is never the point). Right after that yet another clip comes up reviewing a new chemical that can be added to french fries and other fried foods, which is said to reduce the cancer causing end products of high heat cooking.
What that clip did not mention is that all unnatural chemicals are directly linked to increases in cancer and that includes what ever chemical they are now adding to the deep fried food. Nothing about eating healthy, just keep eating french fries......they are now safer. WOW!
The pretty people telling the news are front men selling ideas, nothing more and nothing less. They are now known as repeaters and not reporters.
Many Canadians do watch this show and most likely cannot pick these things out of a newspaper or the newscast etc. Believing any of this sets the stage for the worst life possible and that is exactly why many people are overweight, depressed and overworked. The information they are basing their lives on is simply not true.
After Canada AM concluded, the older people (who had just watched the program) starting telling anyone who would listen the exact same news.............just as they were programmed to do...........and that is exactly why such programs are designed this way.
As they were reaching for the remote control to turn on the show they would say in a panic...."I need to watch my PROGRAM." Eerily appropriate I guess. (getting programmed by the program)
The idea is to get the average person to become a participant in their own demise, by having them spread fibs and half truths to their family and friends. This is often called spreading of "mind viruses".
Why are most people in trouble? Find me any other animal that lies, other than man. We need to redefine our morality, with each person reporting to a higher standard or authority.......not a standard set down by a third party. A system of complete personal responsibility.
The system can change but we have to become more aware and conscience of how we are targeted by such systems.
I just turn it off and my best life has unfolded ever since.
1 comment:
I am a fellow passionate about health and healthy nutritional habits. I am an naturopath and teach to my student how to become conscious of what they eat and WHAT they eat...
I actually was informed of your website by an old student! Continue your good work!
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