How do you invade another country hundreds of years ago using religion as your sole justification? How do you pull all that off when some of the main principles of that religion are thou shall not kill or steal, do onto others as you would like done onto you and love thy neighbour?
How does a stock broker convince you to invest what little money you have left, into the stock markets just after they crashed? How do you convince a general population that injecting themselves with toxic chemicals (these ingredients in vaccines) will make them healthy?
How to you convince some educators that drugging students with behavior altering medications and passing them regardless of their performance lays the appropriate foundations of an educational system? How do you convince a population that more disease is the cure for disease? How do you convince a population that spending is the cure for debt? How do you convince the legal system to prosecute a poor person shop lifting food but ignore the billions in bail out money stolen right in plain view?
How do you bypass basic human logic and rational thought?
Easy, you just apply the simple formulas and equations from the above playbook on how to make people do what ever you want. In this playbook nothing is off limits. You could say it is literally a book of magic because you would think you would need magic to have people live their worst lives and then turn around and beg for more of the same.
Unfortunately magic has nothing to do with it. All it comes down to is studying how human beings behave and then making a complete science out of the findings.
Do you have any questions that you want answered because this documentary or the same one linked below has got some, if not all, of your answers. This documentary exposes the play book regarding how all this is accomplished. To say it is an eye opening experience would have to stand as one of the understatements of the century.
This video stands as the most watched documentary in Internet history.
If you were meant to watch it, you will be drawn to it. The first 14 minutes may appear slightly different than what you may be expecting but I ensure you everything after that is well worth the time.
To have the playbook of how we are governed as human beings should not be taken lightly, as it is very unique in human history to view how the ruling class sees and governs the masses.
Once you identify the sources of your pain and dysfunction, only then can you fight back.
1 comment:
Don't worry. Don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride...
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