The swine flu is coming so get your vaccine. The swine flu is not coming so get your vaccine just in case. Just get your vaccine regardless. Just get your vaccine. How many people are listening? Not many........
Click here and here for hundreds of personal stories of miscarriages and other complications experienced after receiving the "safe" (yet never fully tested) H1N1 vaccine.
Click here or click on the same video below to view more information regarding this topic.
66% of Canadians are not getting vaccinated for the same reasons they never take the word of a person selling a car or a house, as to the quality of the product.
The medical professionals who are telling Canadians to trust the vaccine not only have a vested interest in people getting the vaccine, their track record for making Canadians healthy is outright horrendous.
The blind trust has not only been outrageously abused, the results scream that the abuses are obvious. No one inside the health care system is healthy and it appears obvious that the parties within the medical system make it their job to block or discredit information that allows Canadians to pursue health improvement without medical interference.
When a conventional health professional tells a person to trust the vaccine there is much more at stake than just the vaccine itself. These factors are also at play.
1. If vaccines are questioned by the medical professional themselves they automatically have to admit they may have caused massive damage to at least 2 generations. This is a mental barrier that just makes blindly towing the line the best option plus the idea of riots, law suits and imprisonments for crimes against humanity are never far from a medical professional's mind in this day and age.
Many inside the system know the "show" cannot go on much longer and they are worried about the historical consequences relating to when a population wakes up to the fact that they are being abused for profit.
2. By allowing the idea that medical interference is not necessary in one area, medical professionals jeopardize their own incomes.
3. By allowing the idea that medical interference is not necessary in one area it places pressure on conventional medical professionals to potentially return to school in order to learn about sunlight, water, organic food, farming, cooking. sleep cycles, exercise, sex, herbs, relaxation, quantum healing etc. Who wants to go back to school to learn about things that nature gives away for free?
4. If vaccines are questioned by the public it slowly chips away at the societal foundation of blind faith many people have in their conventional medical professional. This would make doctors "normal citizens", on level with the average person.
5. Once the public comes to the realization that one foreign chemicals is not healthy the public then starts to rely on natural methods, of which the medical community does not currently control.............(but they know you are moving in that direction and that is why the medical establishment is quietly trying to make healthy products illegal and retain full control over them before you get healthy and get conscience)
So when your doctor advises you the vaccines are safe they are also thinking about money, their status in society, their physical safety and the safety of their family, the spiritual pain of considering their intelligence is not complete, the mental pain of considering the possibility that they have been made puppets of an unhealthy establishment that hurts people for profit.........and to have been hoodwinked while holding a personality that baths itself daily in the perception of high intelligence and immunity from manipulation because of that perceived high intelligence.
Nothing scares humans more than having to admit they are wrong, that they were sold a false idea or that they may not be as intelligent as they believe.
Thinking otherwise is to ignore the obvious.
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