Recently the Environmental Protection Agency declared carbon dioxide (a gas that we breath out of our bodies) as a "pollutant that endangers public health and welfare" .
The general public are already buying in hook, line and sinker to the idea that life itself is in fact the enemy. Humans are the biggest threat against themselves so we need government to tax and control us, to make sure we get behind this global warming agenda. All this based on science that has been proven to have been manipulated for profit reasons.
Protesters are literally outside the environmental meetings right now demanding their respective government bodies start limiting their freedoms and tax their very existence. Can you see the leaders laughing inside? The structure of having people demand their worst lives is now coming full circle. The "fear/solution" structure of government is now peaking in efficiency.
The global warming situation is the political Christmas gift that keeps on giving, with no end in sight. The dangers involved when people ask their governments to tax them and limit their freedoms are astronomical yet it is actually happening right now. Talk about letting the wolf in the hen house.
Many people are so conditioned never to help themselves that they ask the government to step in for any reason what so ever. The government is not meant to act as parent to all. For people who have forgotten how to guide themselves, asking big brother to run their lives is obviously the next best option.
Name a situation where government involvement actually made the situation better in the long run? How is your health right now? How is your wealth right now? How is your general satisfaction level right now? The more the government gets involved, the worse things have become.
You know what is right and wrong already. By relying on others to judge ourselves, we lose the ability to decide right and wrong when the government is absent.
If you find a wallet on the road (full of money) what do you do if a police officer is not around? If you apply definitions of goodness above what the government defines, you return the wallet. When we allow others to set the rules, we can forget what is right and wrong when they are not around.
When you feed a farmer for life they will forget how to farm and when you define right and wrong for people, they will forget how to act in a just way. Government interference always leads to more government because each new law guarantees more and more of the population are conditioned into a childhood state.
Not knowing what is right and wrong (when government rules are absent) is how people lose their way in life. What the government is trying to do, nature has already done for free for millions of years. (making you immune to disease, regulating temperature on the planet, punishing, rewarding etc etc)
Just this week a Canadian journalist suggested the best way to diffuse the warming situation is to adopt China's one child per family rule. This is how the press plays into the story.
The press starts suggesting rules that limit basic human freedoms so that Canadians can start conditioning their fellow citizens that this sounds like a good idea. Although this idea makes no sense what so ever (as is evident in this article) it does not stop the story from being planted in plain view, to start getting Canadians comfortable with the idea of having less and less freedoms.
Does anyone realize how dangerous these ideas are? Ideas that declare a gas we create by breathing is pollution. The gas we breath out has been declared to endanger public health and welfare? How many steps are we away from this idea or this idea .
I am sure most people reading this article believes that some how we have advanced past such issues of hatred, segregation and societal stratification. I suggest everyone look at the world today and ask themselves ,"what physical proof exists to prove our society is more peaceful and tolerant of others today, as compared to 70 years ago?"
Having a thin TV and a cell phone are very different than advancing toward a peaceful existence where people are permitted to govern themselves by the laws of nature. (not laws created for profit and control)
Canadians need to awaken their inner spirit and ask that internal intelligence for clarification, as to what is true and what is not true. There is hope. Participate in the solution. You already know what to do.
Develop your inner spirit. Please click here or watch the same video below in order to learn from a great master about what it takes to lead a peaceful and enlightened existence.
If we all learn to live like this or like this we will have much more room than we could ever wish for on planet earth. There is room for everyone. We just need to rid ourselves of our leaders who believe otherwise.
Hi Jason,
I don't think you quite understand the intricate implications of climate change (it's not called "global warming"). So please, explain how the fact that we respire carbon dioxide disproves climate change? If we excrete our feces and pump it in the water, does the water quality not decrease?
The point can become more clear by taking some time and watching the documentary linked inside the article regarding how climate change is not tied to man in anyway and has never been from the industrial revolution onward. It is important to understand the historical context of how governments rule people and why certain populations have been conditioned throughout history to attack and hurt other groups deemed less important, dangerous, feeble minded etc. Man is polluting the world, that much is for sure. You do not want to fully understand these points when they may declare you as "unfit" to live and then ship you off etc. It is best to take the time to understand these points earlier in the game. The people who were placed on trains to extermination camps during WWII were real people and so were the people driving the train, building the ovens, washing the cloths of the guards etc. Find out how entire populations can be conditioned for evil because I can assure you that the information inside this article has lots to do with it. Don't let your government take away your freedoms or tax you unjustly because it is a slippery slope from there on in. Avoid doing the right thing at the wrong time.
I think that as a society, we have exchanged free-thought for comfort. We do what we are told and are good little citizens in exchange for a comfortable existence, which we have been taught will finally make us happy. This is the big lie. Are we more fulfilled and excited in our safe lives? Comfort is not meant to, and will never make anyone happy.
True sustainable happiness only comes from growth and contribution. Comfort can actually stifle both.
This blog shakes things up - and that is great! Shake up your life, your thoughts, your emotions, your actions. Think for yourself and make your own decisions.See what happens. Then you can spend some well earned time in comfort, celebrating an incredible life in preparation for the next exilarating wave of growth and contribution.
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