In a world where we are usually fed our information, we tend to only get concerned about things we are told to be concerned about.
On Nov. 12, 2009 we had another healthy young person die for no apparent reason. Simon Fraser University quarterback Bernd Dittrich died while swimming in the University pool. He was 21.
Britney Murphy has also passed away of a potential heart attack Dec. 21, 2009. She was 32. It is not natural for our youth to die of heart attacks, so why is it happening?
The answers are simple and what is odd about these stories is that our own government is approving all the products that are causing these heart attacks.
Earlier this year rising tennis star Mathieu Montcourt (ranked just outside the top 100 tennis players in the world) died of a heart attack. He was 24. Late last year Alexei Cherepanov (a New York Rangers first round pick) died of a heart attack while sitting on the bench. He was 21. Earlier in 2008, Ontario Hockey League's Windsor Spitfire Captain Mickey Renaud dropped dead in his home. He was 19.
How about Jiri Fisher or Jonas Gustavsson? No big deal. Just top athletes having heart attacks.
Our reporters are not reporting this because a switch has been made that not many people are aware of. Reporters are now repeaters and they simply repeat what they are told to repeat by the people who own the newspapers.
One of my friends told me last year that she visited the Ottawa Citizen and was informed 4 reporters covered the entire city of Ottawa and 1 was just fired. She was told that the Ottawa Citizen simply gets "sent" their news or "buys" their news from the military, drug companies or government.
If there was something odd about that, they would certainly let you know. Nothing to see here. No big deal.
"Profits Gone Wild" could be the name of this story, where business interests trump public safety.
Why are these young people dying? Simple. A potential fatal combination of regular dose painkiller use, energy drinks and MSG laced processed foods. All these products are directly and concretely linked to heart attack. Combine those factors with the dehydration sports is famous for plus the mass alcohol consumption sold to our youth as "cool" and we have a recipe for disaster.
Alcohol is a diuretic (a substance that removes water from the metabolism) and water itself holds minerals responsible for conducting healthy electrical impulses to the heart. No water = no heart beat. Low water = irregular heart beat. Both can trigger heart attack.
The government officials are never told to look into these issues during autopsy (after heart failure) because there would have to be subsequent warnings about government endorsed products and services that billions of people already use. No one even bothered to see if Bernd Dittrich was vaccinated before he died in the pool.
Why doesn't the news media report it or investigate? It is because once you find out our government has approved all those substances proven to kill, you may start understanding that the government is not really the government..........it is business interests pushing an agenda that goes well beyond profit at this point.
Nothing important to see here. Just young people dying. Nothing worth taking note of. Just minor stuff. If there was something that bad out there, the government would be doing something about it.
Try avoiding doing the right thing at the wrong time.
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1 comment:
Sadly, another young person has died of a heart attack... I completely agree with your article again today Jason and thank you for bringing it to the attention of the general public and the media.
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