Do you know that there is a plastic liner inside your take out coffee cup? Run your finger nails across the inside of your empty take out coffee cup. What is that stuff?
How about the same plastic liner inside your milk carton or even inside every beverage that comes in a carton? A similar plastic liner is also found inside all canned goods. Just open any can and take a look.
What happens to food when it comes into contact with that plastic liner? What happens to you when you eat the food that comes into contact with that plastic liner?
As usual with processed foods and the breaking of natural laws, the answers are not good.
What does the hard science say regarding the safety of this petroleum based coating used inside many of your food carrying containers? The answer is everything from cancer to weight gain. Sexual function and fertility being the areas most greatly affected.
Click here or watch the same video below regarding what was uncovered when a North American news agency went digging for answers regarding this plastic liner, approved to be in contact with your food.
Click here to watch the full report.
Click here or watch the same video trailer below regarding a CBC report, which forwards overwhelming evidence that these pollutants (and many others like it) are responsible for a severe decrease in the number of males being born.
Click here to watch the full CBC documentary, "The Disappearing Male".
What is never researched or pursued is the overwhelming observational evidence that nature itself is designed with such a deep intelligence that it can recognize the pollution (made by humans) and consequently control human population numbers independently.
The higher the pollution numbers the more the body is designed to interrupt it's own fertility or "thin the heard" with aggressive diseases such as cancer. The body appears to actually have a self destruct mechanism already present within its' DNA. The body appears to have the ability to vote us off the planet for the betterment of all life. (humans generally think they count above all others but life itself appears to think much differently)
Being controlled by nature is so foreign to conventional science (a human ego is based on the human being in full control) that science may even be blind to considering such an idea. This could be the ultimate Trojan horse, as the human ego could indeed foster the complete downfall of the human species.
The evidence is literally overwhelming, as pollution's direct link to cancer is one of the only conclusions shared by every camp in the cancer field. The more we pollute the planet the quicker we die. The more we pollute the planet the shorter our life spans. Has anyone noticed that cancers of the reproductive systems are growing exponentially, along with pollution? Someone needs to look hard at this simple equation.
Can nature itself also recognize that males are the most dangerous of the two genders? (and there by decreasing male birth rates as is evident in the documentary linked above) How intelligent is nature? Is nature intelligent enough to assess variables, set goals and design the necessary frame work to accomplish those goals.
Many are now only coming to grips with the idea that everything that we can do, nature can do better......as nature obviously designed all life. Like in all situations, the designer holds the greatest intelligence and can control what was created.
Although science is crystal clear on the fact that pollution causes the body to cease fertility, infect reproductive organs with cancers and reduce male birth rates....science never dares investigate the idea that nature is smart enough to be doing all this on purpose.
Nature talks in very firm codes, signals and hints. Are we missing out on those valuable signals? Has conventional science lead us completely astray? What are the punishments for breaking natural law? They are the exact same punishments as breaking our own laws.....with the punishments becoming more severe the more we ignore the hints.
The more someone self educates the more this designed intelligence is harder to ignore. Make 2010 a year you walk off the beaten path into your best life. Think outside the box, live by a higher standard and invest in your health. 2010 is going to be your best year yet.