Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Swine Flu Update Sept 1st 2009

This video sums things up best regarding the upcoming swine flu vaccine and vaccines in general.

I have heard many confused parents and frightened health care workers wonder about or even state that vaccines are mandatory for themselves or their children.

No vaccine is mandatory anywhere in Canada or within any profession/job or occupation. There are no exceptions to this rule, you do not have to get vaccinated if you do not want to.

Click here for your official Canadian exemption paperwork.

In a recent survey half of doctors polled and 1/3 of secondary health care workers stated they will refuse the vaccine. They are concerned that the vaccine may not be safe, as it will not have been thoroughly tested and it may not work. They also feel that swine flu is a more benign virus than early reports suggest.

It would be wise to re-poll the same group of workers on vaccination day, as many doctors and nurses who said they would get the shot will not. Many will just discretely avoid the vaccination but would never announce publicly that they do not trust the shot. They just want to avoid going on record in order to avoid the exact situation talked of in this article.

What people must understand is that trade agreements like The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (and many other laws being passed behind closed doors and with little fan fare/without your knowledge etc) all aim to take away your right to be healthy and/or to circulate truthful information.

One of those rights being targeted is the Canadian right to refuse vaccines. Vaccine companies in the United States are not impressed with the fact that they cannot force their toxic injections into Canadians like they so often do with citizens of the U.S.

That is why U.S. politicians make it a habit to travel to Canada and lean heavily on our politicians (our rather naive representatives are always hand pumping/smiling and not really seeing the full picture) to sign such agreements, literally making it illegal to run our own laws in times of "a health crisis" or "terrorists crisis" etc.

With the legal trap now set, U.S. companies hurry back home (laughing at how easy to was to fool the Canadians reps) and actually invent and promote what ever crisis is necessary to trigger the "emergency clauses" in these agreements......all in order to force American laws onto Canadians. Always marketed under the veil of safety for all involved.

All these agreements have one common foundation........in times of crisis (the government invents the definition to what a "crisis" is....not the general population) your rights are taken away, your children can be taken away without your permission, you can have your assets seized against fines for non compliance etc. This article sums up what is now happening in the U.S. The companies who orchestrated those laws are trying to do the exact same in Canada.

Pretty severe action for a flu that is expected to be no worse than the common cold. It is never about any flu, it is about controlling populations and making profit. Vaccines are a $50 per head tax on people who believe everything they see on TV or read in the newspaper.....but paying the tax can end in death, coma, paralysis etc

When you hear the phrase "New World Order", this sort of "corporate manipulation of our laws" is what they are referring to. Countries everywhere are being forced to adopt universal laws that have nothing to do with what their people really want. No votes taken, just pure manipulation and bullying.

The question is, "why would people enslave themselves and subject themselves to such tyranny (like getting the shot) when they do not have to"? Look at the results of all the other government endorsed health information? Do the results indicate they know what they are doing or have your best interests at heart?

Protect yourself and get up to date with truthful information about the swine flu promotion. Click here, here or here for other updates I have written on the subject of vaccination and swine flu. How much proof will be needed?

During the time of slavery in the United States, American slave owners made it illegal for slaves to learn how to read or write. Keeping populations illiterate (like never telling them the truth about health) is the most powerful form of control ever invented.

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