Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Doctors Trying To Help Your Family

Click here or just press play on the same video below regarding a conference held last week in Montreal where leading medical professionals and leading legal experts tried to warn Canadians what is exactly occurring in regards to the swine flu promotion.

Again, some of the most intelligent, most qualified and most respected minds in both the legal and medical fields have gathered to clear the air and to warn Canadians that this vaccine is much more than just unhealthy.

The swine flu vaccine is only one piece of a much larger puzzle. A puzzle that has been in the works for some time, a puzzle designed to change our country's very laws.

A new structure for governing people. A new structure of government that invents and dramatically exaggerates states of crisis and confusion in order to pass unfavorable legislation. Legislation designed to increase corporate profit/corporate control and legislation that erodes our Canadian right to decide many things for ourselves. A New World Order where a couple off shore entities decide what is best for Canadians.

No big conspiracy theories here. In this case greedy drug companies, who already force vaccinations in the U.S., want the same laws to govern Canada and the rest of the world. It is just business on a bigger scale.

The World Health Organization is littered with drug representatives yet the average person in Canada believes it sounds like a caring health organization giving good health advice. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The political game of poker has now been taken from "catch me if you can" to "OK, so now you know we are manipulating you............what are you really going to do about it?"

Thanks to the Internet many governments around the world are getting caught red handed in this sort of manipulation but have now taken on a new attitude of, "too you know.......big what.......try and stop us......we've made the majority of you sick, lazy and fat on purpose so you could never do anything when you eventually did find this out........we have even tied many of your incomes to keeping your fellow citizens sick or restricting health are stuck...........if you help people get healthy or spread the truth about being healthy many of you will have no jobs and the economy will collapse..............we were working on that for decades through the health care system and by approving the worst processed foods and chemicals for you and your families.......we have employed millions of you directly in order to maximize control over you.........we even know teachers will sit idle in schools while we vaccinate our youth because we have taught you to place money before anything else.....this entire system took decades to set up but we did it and all under your nose........we wonder why you have never placed it all together cannot even get up off the couch to change the channel on your TV......our first job was to disable you.......and now it is time to reap the big rewards we have been eying for decades......we did not work 40 years to get here and turn back just before the final part of the puzzle is in place".

It may be time to for Canadians to make a move toward a new way of life. You can fight all this by just getting healthy. Health gives us everything they are trying to take away.

One primary directive of the Health Conference was to make sure the public are well aware that genetic tests lean toward the swine flu virus being man made and being planted on purpose to increase vaccine sales.

The other primary directive of the Health Conference was to inform the public that various laws have been passed over the last 10 years that limit any product or service that can improve our health while many other laws have been passed increasing the powers of the government to force unhealthy products and services on all Canadians against their will.

The New World Order is about transferring our rights offshore to international governing bodies like the WHO (The World Health Organization) or being governed by international laws set down in private (without the Canadian public voting on those laws) like the laws found in the new Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

My stand in the process is to personally say no to the vaccine and to spread the word to others. No one in my family has ever had a vaccine in the past 10 years. My daughter has had no vaccines in her life. She is free to attend school (she is in school right now) and her immunity is strong from good nutrition.

Know your rights and know how your body works.

Leave a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. writes: "Under Bill C-6, which is about to pass third reading in Parliament and become the law, no Canadian will be allowed to refuse innoculations for the swine flu, despite the fact that it is relatively benign and mild, and has killed only people who are already immune-compromised. Indeed, it is astounding that such coercion and dictatorial laws are being employed to deal with what the chief Canadian Health Officer has called a "mild seasonal flu".

"Clearly, another agenda is at work; but the time to ascertain and challenge that agenda has all but run out. This coming month, forced innoculations and imprisonment of those who refuse them may be a reality across Canada. And for what reason? Clearly, not for public health, considering the sickness and death caused by previous swine flu vaccines."

Jason, I'll send you the whole article.