Click here or watch the video below showing that deaths of children, under 5 years of age, skyrocketed after they were targeted by drug companies to start receiving the flu shot in 2002.
How does that sound for "healthy"? Right in line with other drug interventions aimed at improving health..............they actually increase death. Always have........always will.
The same video shows the number of deaths from the flu is in the hundreds per year while the medical institutions charged with protecting our health exaggerate the death toll from the flu into the tens of thousands.
All designed to spread fear and panic. All to get us moving toward placing chemicals into our bodies. All designed to make sure North Americans believe that third parties who sell drugs are essential for health. Listen to comedian Bill Mayer sums things up in his unique way about the drug industry.
A master study of all major vaccine information ended with this conclusion, "vaccination of healthy adults is not supported by the data". 70% of doctors do not get vaccinated. Should we really be surprised that people with the best view of the vaccine debate avoid getting the shot. Should that not be enough proof? How about the fact that doctor's visits are directly correlated to further decreases in health? How much proof will be needed for a society of repeaters. In 100 years they may look back and say, "they literally got what was coming to them for not questioning these things that made no sense what so ever".
Would historians be wrong to brand this generation as a group of adults who could not mature past a child like state? You can't get healthier by poisoning yourself.
I had a friend literally blast me (3 years ago) for not giving my child any vaccines. She vaccinated her child soon after and the child acquired autism. (a form of brain damage) We all were devastated regardless of our position on the issue. She called and apologized to me and my wife. She also sought help for any resources regarding treatment. I called her back within 48 hours and in that time her doctor had the child on medication and had convinced the mother that the baby had a genetic defect that made it more susceptible to autism from vaccines. She informed me that she no longer required my information..................this form of repeat business is exactly what Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns parents about regarding vaccination.
You would think people would be more apt to place their belief behind a doctor who preaches the dangers of drugs.....but sadly this is not the case.
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