When doing a puzzle you do not really get a clear idea of what the final picture is going to look like until some of the missing pieces are placed in.
The same people who have brought you publicly run casinos, government run alcohol outlets, tobacco products and the idea that poisonous medications are your key to health are vigorously trying to convince you that your health is their #1 priority.
If you believe that, chances are you will actually get the swine flu shot without blinking an eye lash but you best look both ways before crossing the street with this issue.
The general health of our population is the only evidence you need as to their true intentions and true motivations.
Today pharmacists in Ontario (and all across Canada) are trying to belly up to the financial feed trough regarding the swine flu vaccine, by working behind the scenes to gain authorization to administer the vaccines anywhere someone will roll up their sleeve. In some provinces paramedics are also being considered for the task.
This drug company backed business move will help pharmacists gain highly profitable distribution fees for administering the vaccine but also helps the makers of the vaccine immensely.
There is a need to get as many people vaccinated simultaneously before the guaranteed side effects (death, paralysis, fever, loss of consciousness etc......all signs of poisoning by the way) drive people away from the vaccine clinics.
The last time this business model was put into action in 1976, the swine flu vaccine clinics were shut down in 10 weeks because of the deaths and paralysis associated with the swine flu vaccine.
The drug companies' newest strategy is to get the vaccine into as many people, as quick as possible, in order to maximize profits. It is a fight with time so many more soldiers are needed on the ground to push the vaccine and that is where the pharmacists will come in.
In what is now known as the forced drugging epicenter of North America, Massachusetts state government has now passed legislation for a $1000 fine/per day for refusing the vaccine and/or...jail time/quarantine. Think it cannot happen in Canada? Think again, in some provinces aspects of this are already the law. Click here regarding that issue.
This swine flu vaccine has nothing to do with what Canadians want and everything to do with what drug companies want. If forced vaccinations ever come to Cornwall I will personal refuse regardless of consequence. I own my body and decide what will enter it. This is a basic human right.
Victims of forced vaccinations in the United States are supposed to be placed at ease by knowing that their government has also set up a vaccine compensation fund (all funded by the taxpayers) to pay family members if someone dies or is crippled by the vaccine.
In Canada we coincidentally are set to have exactly the same compensation fund. I thought we were separate countries? Two different cultures but coincidentally the exact same laws on the issue. What are the chances of that happening if drug companies are not controlling the governments on both sides of the border? International trade agreements like NAFTA that push for similar laws for all member countries are not looking too good right now, are they?
Click here to see Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explain that all vaccines are designed to keep world populations down mentally/physically and away from their best lives. Once in a chronic crisis mode, populations are easier to manipulate and govern for profit.
If you have kids it may be good to run this entertaining music video regarding saying no to vaccines. It is catchy and stays with you after you hear it.
This business plan has been in play for many years as the company making the swine flu vaccine actually applied for a patent on this vaccine a full 2 years before the outbreak in Mexico.
Something is coming in October/November.......but it has very little to do with health.
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