Click here to read about one of the developing scientists who came clean on the dangers of the Garadsil (HPV) vaccine. 32 deaths, 12,000 adverse reaction reports and the worst part...........estimates place accurate reporting of adverse events at 1-10% of what really occurs.
Click here to watch a video regarding the often fatal side effects of the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine. Watch the conventional medical doctor state that the vaccine caused his daughter's crippled state.
Proving that it may take 7 years of medical training to convince highly intelligent people that chemicals are really good for them and their children.........when really they are not..........and when those highly intelligent people get caught in the same toxic situations as their patients.........it is unfortunately too late.
Click here for another video regarding the crippling and sometimes fatal side effects of the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine.
In the two videos above, drug manufacturers state that the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine is safe because it has not killed as many people as other vaccines. Funny, I didn't hear anything like that in the TV ads or in the radio ads sponsored by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit. Maybe they wanted to put it in but forgot. It is not really that important, right?
Less deaths means it is safe. Great logic for profit but I have a feeling that the people who died (and their families) may have a slightly different take on that issue.
Jump ahead 1 year from today and picture the same sort of "oops, sorry about that" story regarding the swine flu vaccine. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit actively promotes Gardasil and it has killed 32 people thus far and injured 12,000. They are back on the job again, applying the same cycle of fear regarding the swine flu.
It may be time for Canadians to step out of that line, which is moving toward the cliff's edge. Spread the word to the uneducated and defenceless people in our society, as they are the true targets.
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