Tuesday, July 21, 2009

#1 Most Dangerous Job - How Government Silently Strong Arms Dangerous Vaccines Into Their Own Workers

In Canada and the U.S. the most dangerous job may be working for the government, in any capacity.

The danger I talk of becomes most evident anytime pharmaceutical giants hijack government channels to push their unhealthy products. (like in the case of vaccines)

Government workers in North America number in the hundreds of thousands and this massive pool of potential customers has large drug companies fighting each other for a chance to belly up this enormous monetary feed trough.

The equation is simple. Drug companies make one sales pitch to high ranking government officials and then have those government officials "suggest" compliance to all government workers simultaneously. (this happens often but we can actually observe it in the coming months in regards to the swine flu vaccine).

Drug companies know that the fear of subtle negative repercussions, common within the standard employee/employer relationship, (being passed over for promotions, social isolation within the work place, not fitting in with the crowd or even the threat of job loss during a flu outbreak) will then take the "vaccine suggestion" into full compliance very quickly. It is a form of job harassment that is not even classified because our own government is the biggest perpetrator.

With thousands of compliant citizens walking around telling stories of their vaccination, other citizens are more likely to follow especially when exposed to the fear based advertising that is just ramping up now regarding the swine flu and the new swine flu vaccine. Throw in government funded clinics, advertising campaigns and other various forms of fear based promotion........and this system produces exponential profits.

This is actually an old sales pitch, not unlike bringing old cloths fashions back to popularity 30 years after their original introduction, as this swine flu profit model has been tried already in 1976. 4000 people died or were paralyzed from that vaccine.

Click here or watch the video below to view a 60 Minutes report regarding this old pharmaceutical business model and the 4000 people who were killed or paralyzed last time the "swine flu fear business model" was unleashed on the general public.

You will probably not be happy to know that Baxter (the company employed by the government to make the new swine flu vaccine) was just implicated to have placed live avian flu virus in one of their European avian flu vaccines. Although this live virus was caught by Czech officials (by testing some newly purchased vaccines on animals, which in turn died) Baxter has still been accused by many of actually trying to initiate a world wide avian flu pandemic in order to raise shareholder value.

Dr. Russell Blaylock will tell you that vaccines are often more dangerous than the diseases they target and that Baxter is a company that should not be heading the research in this area.

Baxter (in conjunction with Bayer) has also been implicated in selling medicine tainted with hepatitis C and the AIDS virus even though they were well aware it was contaminated . Click here to watch the video or roll the same video below clearly demonstrating that the death of innocent patients is just standard practice in the pharmaceutical industry.

If you kill someone you will go to jail. If they do it, it is a fine and a quick government approval of the next drug that will hurt innocent people.

Baxter is now charged with making the new swine flu vaccine that will be promoted weekly until it arrives at your local doctor's office, health unit and place of work. If you work for the government you are expected to be first to bat with this dangerous vaccine.

People you know and trust are employed to carry these needles into your government based place of work. Those shots are not mandatory. Will you play your part?

Ask yourself this, "what happens if the information above is wrong and you avoid the shot?" Well, you get the flu. "What happens if the government is wrong and you take the shot?" Well, you could die or acquire a crippling disease. Always work with the worst case scenario to simplify any issue.

Always remember that the flu is the flu. You have got it before, you will get it again and all foreign chemicals reduce immunity..........they have no ability to improve it. Click here for your free swine flu report.

Protect yourself by building your immunity naturally at Physical Limits with proper exercise and the diet advice promoted by the world's top health professionals. See you soon on the club floor for an awesome workout and some great health advice.

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