As is the case with so many North American institutions, the definitions of commonly used words are severely abused. The most commonly misused word in North America and around the world for that matter is the word "health".
What happened to the old dictionary definition of health and when did it come to mean making you sick or accelerating your death?
For example, take the Eastern Ontario Health Unit in Cornwall. Just some of the "healthy" products you can pick up there are; vaccines, baby formula, children's Tylenol, the birth control pill and now Tamiflu as well.
If you are unaware of how unhealthy these products are just roll over the blue highlighted words and click them for more information.
Just this week, after endorsing toxic vaccines to the community, the health unit decided to start talking about Tamiflu. Tamiflu is a medication designed to reduce the duration of the flu by one day.
In one recent Health Canada warning regarding Tamiflu, (the article highlighted above on Tamiflu) 84 adverse reactions were reported ......including 10 deaths........yes I said deaths. Shocking to say the least. Ready for your swine flu vaccine and your dose of Tamiflu? It baffles the mind.
This is happening in your town right now, it is being advised by top health authorities (local business organizations are also now being hijacked by the Health Unit to push untruths on our fine community) and to top it all off........Tamiflu is being advised to children as well.
How does this report on Tamiflu look to you? How about this one? Do they look healthy to you?
In some of the articles above there are "qualified" health professionals saying something like this, "well, we have to look at the benefits of the drug in comparison to the side effects". A chance of death in order to make the flu last one day less (which has never really been proven by the way). You have got to be joking. Got to enjoy that kind of logic.
In many situations people think advertising is simply a form of repetitive persuasion yet many studies prove that advertising is taken as a "direct download" by people who are exposed to it. People are generally inclined to believe anything they hear verbatim, as long as the source appears credible.
Although looking at the results of the information is much more effective than just believing the information, people are more inclined to see what they believe and not to believe what they see.
How else could you explain a situation where a poison distribution center (masquerading as a health based organization) can poison people everyday.........without any questions from the very people they are poisoning.
Looking for health at the Health Unit makes the Da Vinci Code look like an Easter egg hunt in short grass. Take care of your own health. It is the only answer.
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I agree that to help pharmaceutical companies doctors etc prescribe too much meds and vaccines. But a question for you Jason...Did you check the side effects of the Protein being sold at for the Resolution program?
For many it increasese their Blood Pressure and causes constipation.
Those are not the only side effects of the protein in the Revolution Program. Saying that, most of our clients are indeed consuming the same or worse ingredients when they enter the program. The entire program is meant to help the client lose massive amounts of weight quickly in order to build excitement. That excitement is then transferred into the area of educating the client on all these issues. (many of which are covered inside this blog) The supplement that aids our clients to lose massive amounts of weight is encouraged during the program and not for life long maintenance. Whole foods and chemical free living is the only way to be healthy but sometimes it is hard to get there without a little excitement along the way. It is all about baby steps for our clients and the "baby steps" concept is mimicked inside the program as well. Thanks again for writing.
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