Click here if you wish to get familiar with what vaccine injury looks like in children.

Just this week we have heard tragic and sad news from the world of NHL hockey. The 2 month old son of former Montreal Canadians' star goaltender, Jose Theodore, has passed away. A sad day indeed for all parents around the world. One must wonder if a vaccine was delivered days prior to the child's death, as is scheduled at the 2 month mark in the U.S. and Canada. Are the Theodore's and other families aware that SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) has been a word actually invented by the medical community to deflect attention away from vaccine related deaths?
When the new swine flu vaccine makes you sick or kills you (or a family member) you get to sue yourself. The ultimate profit scenario. The Canadian public pays for the TV ads, the vaccines themselves, the doctors, the needles, the nurses, the rent, the heat, the hydro, the pens, the paper, the support staff, the property tax and when the vaccines kill or cripple us or our fellow citizens.........we pay for the legal settlements as well. If the vaccines were safe why are the drug companies so interested in blanket immunity from prosecution?
Regardless, the vaccine manufacturers are coming after government workers first. This sector of the work force is most at risk.
Baxter (the maker of the new swine flu vaccine) has already been caught placing live flu virus in their vaccines. They are actually being sued in world court for doing it on purpose to cause a flu outbreak and to control "undesirables" in the population. This is just business as usual for these companies.
If what happened in Europe happens in Canada it means the people getting the swine flu shot would get the swine flu and it then spreads like wild fire. (killing and hurting people all across the country literally overnight). The World Health Organization (The WHO) and Health Canada chalk up the out break to just how deadly the virus is and then call for more vaccines, mandatory vaccinations for all Canadians, secondary vaccines or just other forced forms of drugging. The outbreak comes but it happens because of the vaccine. The conditioned portion of the population then line up again to take a nose dive off the cliff's edge. (that is...if they are not already in the hospital or at the funeral home)
The repeaters in the newspapers and the Health Unit in Cornwall just keeping repeating and the band marches on. You become a repeater in our medical system or you are fired, it is that simple.
Click here to read about the doctors who warn patients against vaccinations for themselves and their children.
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Wholly crap! Do you know what it would be like to let the diseases that vaccinations control loose on society? Then you would see massive death tolls raging through out the world. Adults and children alike would suffer needlessly and many would have early and horrible deaths. Vaccinations are not evil. they are there to protect society. You are far too young to remember the ravages of polio for just one example. If we never found a vaccine? Where would we be?
As can be seen in the first video below by Dr. Tenpenny, polio vaccines caused massive outbreaks of the disease only after decades of decreasing polio rates via increases in sanitation, hygiene etc. The second attachment video also shows similar increases in all vaccine related diseases after vaccine introduction. All you need is time to get educated on these issues. The conditioned (and main stream) response to such issues is all this blog is about. Our community knows the main stream results are wrong so we know the main stream information is wrong. We use simple logic to solve larger issues.
I am also too young to remember a time that a huge proportion of our children had attention problems, behaviour issues, mild brain injury and fatal allergies. I am too young to remember when the majority of our elderly (or not so elderly) suffered from chronic illnesses and half our population ends up with cancer.
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