Click here to read my article on the swine flu and vaccinations that was just banned from entering a local newspaper.
Click here to see the 60 Minutes report showing government employees getting caught lying on camera about the safety of the 1976 swine flu vaccine that killed 25 people and crippled 4000 in the United States alone.
Baxter, (the parent company of Bayer) is one company granted the task of preparing the new swine flu vaccine. Click here to watch how Baxter has been caught distributing HIV tainted medication to children, even after they found it was contaminated with the virus believed to cause AIDS.
Click here to read how Baxter was just caught placing live Avian flu virus in their seasonal European flu vaccines. That means anyone getting the vaccine would have developed transmittable Avian flu and Baxter is now being sued, being accused of doing it on purpose to increase profit.
Click here to listen to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny tell listeners that all vaccines are designed to worsen the health of a population in order to keep people patients for life. (scroll down to interview #75 to hear Dr. Tenpenny)
Did you know that your swine flu vaccine could be contaminated with the AIDS virus? World famous neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock explains how in this report. Read Dr. Blaylock's book, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life" to also discover how cancer viruses are a common by product found in vaccines.
Click here for the full movie showing medical professional after medical professional warning the public about the dangers of vaccinations and how vaccines are in no way connected to any decreases in disease around the world.
Doctors don't know best. Click here to watch why one family now has 2 children with Autism because their doctor took full advantage of them, not telling them they have the right to deny vaccinations for their children.
Watch for your medical authorities to outright lie to you regarding the safety of vaccines. When they do state "everything is perfectly safe", offer them to sign this form guaranteeing the safety of the vaccine. Promises and actions that do not back up those promises will expose your danger immediately. The lying will also come from other government administrators telling you vaccines are mandatory AND THEY ARE NOT. Click here to get the form you need to fill out in Ontario to avoid vaccinations for your children and if you are a government worker.
There is no doubt about it, government employees and their families are the sure target in this swine flu vaccination experiment.
Watch out for "repeaters" in this up coming push to poison our great nation with the swine flu vaccine. Repeaters are people who do no research and just repeat what someone else has told them. Our highest paid medical professionals are the people who were the best "repeaters", as critical thinking often leads to ejection and failure in medical school. Never confuse high intelligence with a profession the demands memorization only, without critical thinking. The doctors repeat what the drug companies say. The newspapers repeat what the doctors say and the public repeats what the newspapers say. What is being repeated does not work because 70% of Canadians are already extremely ill.
The silence on the issue that vaccines are dangerous is deafening in Cornwall's mainstream "repeating" media.
Protect yourself the only way the body ever could by reading this article by Dr. Joseph Mercola.
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I think it's sad that people are too closed minded to believe the truth when it's presented to them. Most people will read your article, and even the articles that you quote here, and yet, they will say that it's all lies because their pusher (I mean doctor) told them that what you say is lies. People don't trust themselves enough to put their health in their own hands, but they should because NO ONE else has their health as primary interest (Unless by *health* they mean money).
I also find it funny how government workers may feel forced into getting injected by poisons, however most doctors and nurses refuse to get vaccines.
I think what we know today as alternative medicine should become conventional medicine, and todays conventional medicine should only be used for what it's good for....that is emergencies and last resort options.
You would think that if the "product," was so great propoganda, government advertising and protection from detractors by the media would not be required to give it away. No vaccines for my family as well. The future will prove who is right.
GREAT article!!!! I find your writing very informative and easy to understand using the videos for explanations! Keep up the good work! There are so many of us that appreciate you taking the time to research all of this valuable information! Thank you!
I only hope people start "waking up" and realize that the government does not care about its people, and that doctors that care about their patients have their hands tied and have to do what they are told or their licence is threatened. I have mentioned this "decrease in population" agenda using dangerous vaccines to family members and friends but was told that I was "paranoid".
People really don't have enough knowledge to take their own health in their hands! Indeed there is a rush on for making a flu vaccine and I agree they are over rated as mostly they are a projection of possible flu. But there is now way we should be talking about eliminating all vaccines. would you want Mumps, Polio, Whopping cough and other deadly illnesses to become commonplace once again? I also wonder why everyone signs in as anonymous. That tells me something.
Unfortunately, some who sign in as "Anonymous," are health care professionals who are effectively censored by their respective colleges from publicly sharing their truthful opinions. I appreciate your candor, Lorac, yet I would respectfully advise that the ONLY person who can take health into their hands is the individual. Relying on experts and the state is the reason that despite a spending a huge percentage of our GDP on "health care," we essentially have the quality of a third world country. If everyone took health into their own hands, any real or perceived health care crisis would be over within months.
Hi Jason
I work at the hospital and the management pushes the flu shot on the employees. They tell you that if you get sick because of an outbreak and have to miss work but you did not get the flu shot they will have the right not to pay us. I have had the flu shot twice in my life (I'm 53) and both times I was increditably sick with the flu. They told me it was just a fluke. I don't think so. I do not intend getting any shots ever again.
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