Looking for a gas leak with a match in your hand is one stupid idea. Another stupid idea is raising money for the hospital with foods that place people in the hospital?
Do we really need a cookie drive to raise money for our hospital? What are the people in that photo smiling about? Making Cornwall sick for $11,000 should result in losing your job and maybe a public inquiry. How many people in Cornwall need more reasons to eat more processed crap food that makes them sick and over weight?
Why not sell guns in order to raise money for the police or a night of running over animals in our cars to raise money for the SPCA? Why not a vaccine night for Autism or a pub crawl for the Liver Foundation? How about a donut eating contest to raise money for obesity? How about selling pop and hot dogs to raise money for cancer even though pop and hot dogs cause cancer.........wait a minute I see that at least 10 times per year in Cornwall already.......so that is already a reality. I also see people selling chocolate bars to raise money for The Diabetes Association. That is called recruiting.........not fundraising.
Who are the people allowing this to happen and why do they still have jobs? Talk about letting the wolf in the hen house. Should promoting unhealthy foods even be allowed in a hospital? You think foods proven to cause cancer and foods proven to lower immunity would be discouraged.........at least inside the hospital. Calling cookies food is actually an insult to everything that is real food. Manure from an organic animal has more nutrition.
Is it a surprise that our local hospital is posting a $5 million dollar deficit? Is it a surprise that our government is $55 billion in debt and scheduling tax increases across the board in the upcoming years?
With the hospital partnering up with unhealthy companies there is little hope that Cornwall will become the vibrant town local business leaders are hoping for. There is a tipping point where the rich can no longer support the poor and the healthy can no longer do the work of the unhealthy. If 10 people work at a business and 4 call in sick for more than a couple of weeks.........the business closes. We are getting close to this point. Selling cookies at the hospital doesn't help.
Is there a competition that I am not aware of where there is a prize for making people explode from weight gain? Did I miss that article in the paper? It is obvious no one loses their job anymore in this country for doing the exact opposite of what they are supposed to be doing. Our society is sick and fat because our health leaders are making us sick and fat. I got off that ride a decade ago. It may be time for others to join me.
Read more about why unhealthy companies enjoy associating themselves with anything other than their own products...in this article.
We can only get healthy if we first stop making ourselves sick. No degree in anything needed to make that statement. Dr. Thomas Lodi explains that concept in this great lecture regarding curing cancer.
I am sure everyone involved in the drive to raise money is sincere yet history shows you can indeed be sincere but you can also be sincerely wrong. If selling cookies to raise money for a bankrupt hospital is the right thing to do................I would hate to see the wrong thing to do.