Click here to view one of many Internet pages regarding Dr. Buttar. The video on the page, which starts to play immediately, is a report from CBS News.
The report shines some very damaging light on one of the primary factors suspected of playing a roll in autism. I am well known for my ability to find any video on the Internet. That video I couldn't find anywhere (after hours of looking) except on Dr. Buttar's site.
Why would a heavily damaging report regarding vaccines, presented by CBS News, be so hard to find on the Internet?
In the video we see a group of women (whose children have been hurt by vaccines) yelling at a male authority figure for answers. You can't help but to feel enraged as you see the smirk on the male's face.....as he keeps telling the mothers that everything is OK and to keep trusting the system that hurt their children.
Women may want to click here to find out the historical story of how males managed to get women to start relying on men for the health of their children in the first place. (.....no they don't teach that in our schools for obvious reasons but they will hold vaccine clinics at the schools)
When is the last time your English teacher in high school asked you to write an essay about the pros and cons of vaccination, before the school held a vaccine clinic? What forces are at play within our schools where some educational staff members, who privately question vaccine safety, don't take action on their "gut feelings" to educate students as to both sides of the vaccine story? Why do educators often draw the line and refuse to educate on topics not endorsed by the government? If the government views were always correct, why are so many of the students ill? Why are we not questioning the entire system? What had to happen to get us to where we are today?
What would an ancient mother say about sleeping without her child? (when entire families shared the same bed throughout history) What would an ancient mother say about baby formula, vaccination, C-sections to work around a doctor's schedule, not raising their own children, having both parents out of the home, processed foods, children's Tylenol, video games, TV etc? What is the track record when males bully and manipulate their way into the role of health care provider when they were not historically involved in that role? What happens when male based profit ideas try and take over traditional areas that were historical performed by powerful women? (who worked without compensation) Is our present health care disaster the product of men trying to charge for services, which were always done for free in the past?
If someone hurts a child with a drug, surgery or other medical intervention.......is the person more often male or more often female? Why are many females now trusting male dominated professions, without question in most cases, with the things most valuable to them (their children)......when those male dominated institutions have absolutely no track record of success with making anyone healthy? (child, animal, man, women etc) Why do mother's (parents) so easily believe the fibs these male based institutions are saying, after it is so obvious that the medical interventions decreased the health and vitality of their children?
How can the doctors themselves ignore the fact that they are paid to see sick people, that making people healthy places their careers in financial jeopardy, that most of their patients only experience decreases in health under the conventional medical system and that they are forbidden to use non-drug protocols by their governing boards who are in turn controlled by drug companies.
Dr Buttar first became interested in the protocols to reverse autism after his son came down with the diagnosis. Dr. Buttar and his wife had agreed not to vaccinate their son yet unfortunately the mother succumbed to the fear based medical pressure and brought the child to get vaccinated in secret.
The child became autistic after the vaccination. Dr. Buttar then dedicated his life to the quest of saving his son (and he did) and now he reverses autism for many parents across the world.
What does Dr. Buttar get for helping cure his patients? Well, his own medical board actually sued him (and lost) when he eliminated a cancer tumor in one of his patients using nutrition therapy. The board sued Dr. Butter claiming he had not used the standard therapies of chemo, radiation or surgery.....which are all proven to damage the body and increase cancer growth, spread and recurrence.
In short, the law suit was meant to send a clear signal to anyone who forgot who was paying the wages of the doctors and the rules they were supposed to follow. In short, doctors were warned that curing is not permitted and that everyone must drug/cut their patients...even though no observational evidence exists that those protocols improves the health of the patient. Yes, there are studies but there are no healthy patients. You don't need to be a weather man to know which way the wind is blowing.
Dr. Buttar is also regularly attacked for his non-drug protocols that reverse disease and improve the health of his patients. How popular is Dr. Buttar? Find a picture of his clinic and you'll see just how popular. You can't build a clinic like that unless many people believe in what you do.
Dr. Buttar is often called a "quack" inside conventional drug and cut medical circles. Quack is a word that comes from our recent past. Quack is a word commonly used 200 years ago where people, who pretended they were healers, travelled the country side selling "fake" miracle cures to unsuspecting citizens.
Often the "fake" medicine would include mercury and therefore would hurt or even kill the people who were victims of this scam. Quack refers to a duck and how water beads off a duck's back like mercury beads up when you place it on any surface.
There is enough irony in there to choke a rhino, as conventional medical professionals routinely use mercury in their vaccines and declare them as safe.......even though vaccines have already been directly tied to autism by leading scientists.
What is autism? What does the word really mean? What events have to happen in the metabolism for autism to occur? Can autism be reversed if those metabolic occurrences are eliminated? Yes, it can.
To place yourself on the interest sheet for the seminar please contact me directly at jason@revolutionweightlossclinic.com The last 12 blogs have also been dedicated to information regarding reversing autism.
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