The definition of truth includes the idea that there is only one truth.....not two. The mind is like a young child, who wants to play with all ideas. The mind does not discriminate as to what ideas it will bring to life or try to live. The mind is easily manipulated by advertising, authority or money.
Truth means only one thing. Truth means that what the mind believes is aligned exactly with what the body knows as true. For example, the mind is the only entity that can believe a medication is healthy....the body can't and that is why all medications have side effects.
What drug companies call side effects are the truth of the body ......trying to warn the mind that it's living a lie. A lie to the body is anything that ends it's life prematurely and takes away from pleasure.
The body is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Police strap a lie detector on some one's body ......not a doctor on the payroll of a drug company and not a government health official on the take. Police strap a lie detector on some one's body because the body has no ability to live a lie and the body gets very stressed when living a lie. A lie detector picks up stress in the body ....that's how it works. Only the mind can live a lie, the body can't. The body itself has a great communication system to alert the mind (and the owner of the body) as to what is a lie. The body gives pain.
What happens when the mind is tricked into believing that pain will make it more healthy and more happy?
Click here to listen to the side effects of anti depressants. When you poison the body you get pain because the "pain" system is supposed to warn the owner of the body that what's going on will end life prematurely. Only the mind can live a lie. A mind that is living a fib often seeks other minds who are living a similar fib because like attracts like........and from that idea comes the typical North American patient/doctor relationship.
One mind living a fib for a pay cheque and another mind living a fib in search of pain reduction. Living more fibs only increases pain and the side effects are the extra pain. Both minds need plenty of distractions in order to avoid what their souls are screaming at them. When you find fibs, you will always find distractions that deflect the truth of the body. (distractions are often addictions.....alcohol, smoking, food, work, drugs, TV, exercise, coffee, charity work addictions etc...anything that avoids the owner of the body having quiet "one on one" time with the body itself)
Click here to start watching that entire movie in parts about the truth about anti depressants. If you can get your head around the idea that fibs bring pain, then you can certainly draw your own conclusions about the side effects of all medications.
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