Click here or watch the same video below of Dr. Rashid Buttar, a doctor who specializes in reversing autism and other forms of vaccine damage. The other 3 parts to his talk appear down the right hand side of this page.
Can you imagine what would happen if conventional medical doctors came forward to admit that vaccines hurt child, adult and animal alike?
How many would trust the medical profession again? What about the law suits? What about the public's demand for jail time, the stripping of medical licences and the fines? What about the riots and acts of civil disobedience? What about the public's call to stop supporting a disease based health care system with our tax dollars? What about the massive egos of the highest educated people, within a society based on academia and not results? Would the general public even believe in higher education again? The ramifications of the truth coming out are mind boggling.......and that is why the truth is guarded like Fort Knox.
If mercury is deadly in vaccines, what about teeth fillings or environmental heavy metal pollution from coal powered electrical plants? What else is the medical profession fibbing about?
What about removing people's organs under the promise of better health? What about chemical medications under the promise of better health? What about an entire system of selling disease as "normal" and then treating disease with protocols that cause more disease? What about cancer treatments that cause more cancer?
In order to get these issues out in the open maybe the public has to promise not to attack the medical profession, if they finally come forward and admit to some of these grave errors.
So the medical profession comes forward to admit they have been hurting the health of billions of people over 50 years or the public comes forward to tell the medical profession that nothing will happen if the mistakes are admitted.
Who wants to go first?
In the meantime you may want to self educate in order to avoid the pain that comes when fibs are tabled as truth.
I spend $500 per month just on clean water.
I spend $500 per month just to hire a person to prepare the nuts I eat.
I have no financial or any other limit as to what I will do to make myself or my family healthy.
If vaccines were healthy, would you not believe I would be first in line?
The first step in reversing autism has to do with the parents and not with the child. The parents have to get the proper information, accept it and move on to appropriate actions that are proven to reverse the dysfunction. The brain of a child does not run on chemicals nor is it made out of chemicals so chemical based medications only cover up symptoms..........and that means the damage is always boiling and worsening just below the surface.
Are vaccines to blame for autism, all on their own? No.
Compromised health of any kind is a nutrition based issue.
Click here to listen to Dr. Mark Hyman talk about what it takes to reverse autism.
Have you noticed many organizations have no problem asking you for money to find a cure but have you also noticed what happens to people like Dr. Buttar and Dr. Hyman when they forward a cure?
Everyone raises money for the cure but when one is found.....it's rejected by the people who take your money to look for the cure. Keep sending money but at the same time.......no cure will ever be considered.
That means not only does the cycle never end but the problems only worsen as the root cause of the dysfunction is ignored. Chemical medications (and other unhealthy protocols supported by government and charity money) worsen the health of the patients........making the patients more and more dysfunctional as time passes............which then leads to greater cries for the cure..........and then you book a permanent ticket on the pain train......and then the whole economy collapses because no one is working because they are either sick or raising money to give to companies who sell chemicals to sick people.
There is no money in healthy people and there is no money in dead people.........the really big money is in the "in between"......people who are not dead but not really alive either.
The end result of that is lots of hype about diseases, plenty of money flowing from the poor to the mega rich, the dysfunction grows as the focus is about adding chemical treatments to already sick patients and that is about it. A tax on the least educated of our society......so basically nothing new there.
I am having an autism reversal seminar where the protocols for reversing autism (according to this short documentary) will be explained and questions answered. Other videos will be shown. A juicing demonstration will also be given. Juicing is the best way to introduce nutrition rapidly into a child's body. (and an adults' as well)
For more information please contact me directly at jason@revolutionweightlossclinic.com.
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