Am I an expert in female history? No, I'm not but I did meet someone once who was and she had some very interesting information to share with me about how the power of women was targeted throughout history.
The drive to disempower women and strip them of their health knowledge is directly linked to the health issues of the family/children etc that plague our society today.
As you can see in the documentary below, this war to disempower the female gender was won using the tactic of incrementalism. Incrementalism is the process where small steps are used against a target group, as opposed to larger steps or more aggressive steps that would alert the society as a whole.
We see incrementalism today in something like taxes. In 1917 in Canada there was no income tax and today the average Canadian loses 40-60% of their gross pay to taxes, in one form or another. You can only do that using baby steps. You can make dangerous things appear perfectly normal using the tactic of incrementalism.
Women were the original doctors, healers and medicine manufacturers. It was not long ago that women helped comfort the dead on their journey from this world. In the same age women helped other women with all matters of the female body; female contraception, child birth and child nurturing.
Women were also the masters of food production, food preparation and food preservation. The women passed on their knowledge by constantly meeting in small groups. Women were the original secret society and their power base was immense.
Could you have convinced a women of that era to let a man interfere with their areas of expertise such as child birth, reproduction or their children's health? The answer is a firm, "NO, not a chance". So how did we get to a point today where male based systems dominate these areas, which were traditionally held by women? How is the track record of these male based systems for delivering health to our society's women and children?
What would these knowledgeable women think about male doctors examining their reproductive organs? What would these knowledgeable women think about baby formula, having both parents out of the home, the birth control pill, prescription medications, vaccinations for their children, hysterectomies, mastectomies, mammograms, processed foods, junk foods in schools or even slapping the butt of a new born child to "start them breathing" etc? A women's intuition would always lead them in the right direction, with all issues.
Everything listed above would have never happened if the women were permitted to pass their knowledge from generation to generation. In order for any of that to happen, women as a group had to be dis-empowered to the nth degree.
When females walk into the male based medical system today, are they even aware of the historical manipulation that had to occur in order to transfer traditional female based knowledge into the hands of men? Are men the more nurturing of the two genders? No, they are not. So how did they get in charge of "caring", "child's health", "caring for the dead" etc? Yes, I know there are female doctors but that argument is not going to have much weight in this discussion, once the video below is viewed.
Click here or watch the same video below of the documentary "The Burning Times" by Donna Reed. Did you know that male groups forbid women to practice healing and traditional medicine (their traditional area of expertise) without a medical license and then the same male groups forbid women from applying to medical school.
Did you know that male based groups declared it illegal for women to own property and then promptly evicted women (and their children) onto the street from their own homes, which their families owned for centuries? Did you know that the Pope made an official declaration for all men to beat their wives, not for punishment but for a woman's spiritual salvation?
So the next time you are in the stirrups and a male doctor is present and not a female (which should be the obvious choice) or when a male based health professional is telling you to get vaccinated or bad things will happen to you or when a male surgeon suggests a hysterectomy/mastectomy yet rarely advises any male equivalent surgeries for his male patients (like removing the scrotum etc) or when a male talks about baby formula like it is as good as breast milk................this is the historical story as to how all that came about.
Regain your power. Our health is out of balance because the relationship and power between female based forces and male based forces is out of balance. An imbalance in one area always leads to an imbalance in another area. It is unnnatural for one group to dominate another on every level. Educate and bring back health to our great nation. Lets stand together against what ever force is behind this grave injustice. Who is with me? If the system is making you or your family unhealthy, just stop entering it. Without profit, the entire system of domination will collapse.
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