How does mercury (a known neurotoxin) get into tooth fillings, vaccines or even into processed sugary foods?
How do processed foods get into our schools? How does a food additive, which causes brain damage and heart attacks, get to be the #1 non-food ingredient added to our food supply? How do medications that kill 110,000 people in the U.S every year get accepted as something to do with being healthy?
You first have to start with masses of intelligent people and literally dumb them down with processed information and processed foods. Then you teach that society that personal power and personal observation are enemies of science. Then you pay off the doctors of science, just like in the case of Dr. Scott Reuben. The doctors are the target of massive pay offs because the system of never questioning them or their findings is already set in stone, for the majority of the population.
Due to the fact that people believe medical studies are the new Gospel, no one questions them (even if our children are sick or dying because of these fibs or half truths) because our greatest fear rotates around what other people think of us. In a society that is powered by fibs, people who tell the truth don't fit in.
Smile on the way to the vaccine clinic and when you or your loved ones get sick or worse (die) just keep smiling and supporting the system. Keep shopping, working yourself into the ground, go into debt, keep watching the TV and do your part. Don't self educate or even believe what you are seeing. Just see what you believe and keep the system humming along. Find people who tell the truth and attack them, fine them and teach them who is really sheriff of fib town.
There is hope because it means we can willingly participate or we can openly choose not to.
Want to know how unhealthy products get into the mouths of our children, to cause them cellular damage. Click here or watch the same video below. Regardless of which unhealthy product we are talking about..........this is the process by which it makes it into your doctor's office or onto your dinner table.
Hi Jason,
I have been following over the past few weeks and find it very interesting that there has been no dissenting response to your articles. I think that means something. Often, when I speak to parents of autistic children they violently oppose the smallest suggestion that vaccines could be a part of the problem, or that diet could possibly reverse their child's condition. Why are they not marching the streets against your message? Why are they not even confronting you here to protect others from what they consider heresy?
Maybe they just think you are nuts and that Jenny McCarthy is a bimbo. Maybe they don't want a logical debate. You would think they would take advantage of the opportunity to engage in a forum such as this.
An interesting observation. To be honest I have not come across many who will debate such issues. When debate occurs it is often someone involved with the selling of the fibs and you can of course understand the defense of the fib, when the fib pays for the food on the table. I understand that and that is a huge problem on its' own. When a debate gets hot (and that is rare) I simply offer to take anyone who is ill, with the disease being debated, and personally pay for their food, their lodging (or what I like to call an organic lock down) and their medical supervision etc to prove the disease can indeed be reversed. I have challenged MD's to hand me over their most troublesome patients and that I will only use food and they can use what every means are at their disposal. To this date, I have had no takers. The proof is in the pudding but unfortunately no one is really hungry for that pudding at the moment. The truth is hard to face for the ego, especially when the fibs being lived by are not only some of the largest in history but those fibs also hurt our most precious possession...........our children. Again, most damage can be reversed but it can't be reversed if no one takes action in that direction.
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