The human body is already programmed with what is true and what are fibs. Think of a fib as anything that would end your life prematurely because in nature, that is exactly what a lie is. The body knew that definition and how dangerous lies were well before humans could form words. Fibs are dangerous for you and for others, as they always end in premature death. Stress kills, as all lies bring increased stress... as a bare minimum. Some lies kill outright.......just ask Julius Caesar.
Due to the fact that the body is actually a walking survival based computer system (taking in stimulation from the environment and making millions of calculations per second to maximize your lifespan) it should be pretty obvious why people like Jamie Oliver and other whistle blowers exist in the first place.
Have you ever wondered why someone like Jamie Oliver would put himself into this awkward position, when the chances of personal pain are high and the chances of personal pleasure are low? The reason we see people all over the world taking action for truth is because truth is already programmed into our DNA. One of the foundations of truth is that we are all connected, so what hurts someone else hurts you directly. Truth brings pleasure to you by bringing pleasure to others.
You can also identify the amount of "fibs" a person is living by attempting to quantify how much pain a person has in their life. Pain distorts the physical body in most cases (obesity and disease) but people in pain also can be judged by their actions. An action that hurts another human originates with internal pain.
My office is a lie free zone because I can tell if a client is living a lie as soon as they step in the door. The body tells the truth, as the body is simply a reflection of what ideas someone believes. If someone believes in fibs, the pain screams like a radio station for all to hear and for all to see. Nature wants others to see the fibs, as any fib is dangerous for you as well.
Only the mind can live a fib, the body can't. For example, the minds of some of the people in the town Jamie is trying to help think they are doing the best they can for their health and the health of their children.
That would be an example of the mind living a lie. The example of the body not being able to live a lie is how sick, how fat and how much pain these people are really in. The mind says the food is good (because the mind is a child and can be easily fooled by advertising or easily conned with a pay cheque).......but the food habits of the town are a fib and we know they are because the body can't lie. Only a lie can deform the body in that way.
Obesity and disease (early death) are why lies are so dangerous and why the body is programmed against them in the first place.
Click here to watch the trailer of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution or watch the same video below. As you can see, when one person lives a lie.....the pain moves out to anyone else in the immediate area and far beyond. (we see this when the fibs of the town also bring extreme pain to Jamie)
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