Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Autism Cure - The Government's Role In Autism

Click here or watch the same video below regarding an organization that specializes in truth and autism recovery.

When you walk the planet it's wise to carry with you at least one math equation that can help determine the truth from fibs. The equation is below.

Truth = pleasure

Fibs = pain

Fibs don't last long inside a true free market economy. I could advertise that my restaurant's food is great and if I'm fibbing, the free market eliminates me. If a diet product doesn't produce weight loss, that diet product will no longer exist because no one will buy it.

That is the way nature works as well. Things that don't work die off so that something else gets a chance.

Only the mind can live a fib. The body can't. That means if a conventional medical professional says mercury laced vaccines are safe but another modern doctor says they're not........the body is going to let you know who is telling the truth. The body never lies. True capitalistic markets can't live fibs either.

If a product doesn't do what it claims (like vaccines claiming to make our children more healthy), in a free market economy, the product gets eliminated naturally because it runs out of energy or what you know as money.

If a restaurant advertises that its' food tastes great (and the food is actually terrible) that restaurant runs out of money. A weight loss product that makes people fat or doesn't help them lose weight will run out of money as well. Things that don't work are supposed to give way to things that might work. Pretty simple stuff.

In order to get fibs advertised as truth for long periods of time you are going to need an unlimited supply of cash and that is why most fib products (products that don't do what they say) are sold through government channels and supported by your unlimited tax dollars.

Are all government institutions bad? No.

Are all government workers bad? No.

Does a government control what their work force does? Yes.

Is government now controlled in part by corporate interests? Yes.

So there is the main problem.

That is why the companies who sell "fib like products" line up a mile deep at the government "money give away" office. That is why the business of lobbying even exists. This is why our government has become more of a corporate headquarters than a place for the people.

When a product doesn't work, the only place you can sell it is through government channels because no one in their right mind would pay for those products if they were sold door to door. Imagine a sales person coming to your door trying to convince you that a mercury laced vaccine is great for your child. Would you buy it?

People think these products are "free" and they're not. We pay inflated prices through our tax dollars and then we pay for the rest of our lives because of the dysfunction the fibs manifest. The main dysfunction they provide is the idea that someone else will take care of your health (you don't have to) and that chemicals will help improve your health. Believe those two fibs and you best get ready for the pain train.

Unhealthy products use our government to gain a legitimacy with the people but in reality no product should be pushed through the government in the first place..........that is not a government's job but we often forget that today, as more and more companies line up to take full advantage of this new marketing structure. It's free, it's powerful and the profit is beyond imagination when a government uses it's resources to push one product or another.

The more government in a country, the more people are tied to believing the government automatically. The more government interference in one's life, the less likely the people are to question the daily interference. The more government tells them what to do, the less they remember how to take care of themselves. The more pain the government fibs bring, the more the population demands government interference. As true freedom advocates understand, the more government.........the less freedom. Yes, no outside threats are invading our country right now but our citizens are very sick because a new enemy exists. An enemy inside the borders.

The fibs sold through government channels make huge profits and when the government/economy collapses, we suffer and the whole cycle continues. Fibs = pain, no matter how you cut it. Our economies are in trouble because what out government is supporting with our tax dollars is not true. You can't invest in fibs and expect the economy to grow.

This way the fibs don't die because they never run out of money. The fibs would go away in a free market economy but they don't in the structure of government we now have. When fibs don't die because they are supported unnaturally (because money is only supposed to chase truth) all parties go bankrupt.

Look around. All levels of government are bankrupt. Our local hospital is bankrupt because it rarely makes people healthy. The people working there want everything to stay the same but again if it was a private firm all staff would be forced to make people healthy or the place would close. No such fear exists for most government run institutions.

Where you find pain you will always find fibs. Hurt people, make people healthy.........who cares..........everyone gets paid regardless. Not exactly a sound foundation of health care.

Many charities also pitch in, to resurrect untruths from a place they belong. (fibs need to die and go away......not to be given new life) When a fib is artificially supported by money it creates debt, chaos and pain because the problem never goes away........so it always needs more and more money.

When fibs are dominant inside charities or government institutions, which are artificially supported with "funny money" (money is supposed to be a reward for a job well done....not a reward for a job poorly done) you get something very odd as well.......you get an expansion of that organization.

In a free market, expansion of a company means the company is doing well and providing a valuable service to society but in this case the opposite occurs......the expansion happens because the fibs create more of the same problem for the citizens. (charities giving money to find drug cures creates more disease because drugs cause disease......those diseases are listed on each drug)

The expansion occurs because the root cause of the issues are never addressed so the problems those organizations are designed to eliminate just grow and grow. This way these organizations act like a money and human resource black hole.......sweeping across our society and sucking us dry of the resources we need to be happy.

How are we missing all of this?

If something is bankrupt it means someone is doing a terrible job somewhere. Keeping the fib train rolling is never the answer.

You might as well be telling people that jumping out of a building will cause them to float or that fire is great for sun burns. Those are fibs and that's why pain hurts. We are supposed to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

Because so many government structures are currently arranged around selling fibs, the general public are now seeking fibs and avoiding truth. In most cases, it's all backwards. (the food guide is healthy, vaccines are safe and provide immunity, medications are good, chemotherapy and radiation fight cancer, the body runs better after you remove some organs, pesticides on your food aren't a big issue, the government is not run by corporate interests, milk is healthy, GMO foods are great, fluoride is safe, war is good for your safety, killing people half way across the world will make your family safer in the future, junk food in schools is normal, baby formula is not bad for children, our mothers need to get back to work as soon as possible after giving birth.....not exactly sound logic to say the least.....and we are going physically, spiritually and financially bankrupt because of the fibbing)

If someone believes one fib, they are likely to believe all of them. This is called the Cluster Affect.

In reality, the companies who are fibbing to us are making us pay for the fibs that cause us the pain. We are paying to hurt ourselves and the more we hurt ourselves the more we run to them and ask them to take more of our money.......to make all the pain go away.

This truth/fib concept will be discussed during my autism reversal seminar. There are now 30 people on the list. I will need to have the seminar in 2-3 weeks. I will contact everyone soon. Thanks for the support.

A few charities and government offices have called the organizations I write for to make sure the truth comes out as slow as possible. When your income is tied to fibs, you have no choice but to attack the truth. I understand that but how much longer do you think we have? Only organizations that get "given" money (as oppsed to earning it through positive results) can be motivated to cover up the truth.

Bad things can only happen when good people sit idle. Thanks for taking action.

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