Click here to view the "60 Minutes" report on the dangers of pesticides, which are covering all our non-organic food choices. People who refuse to take care of their health only transfer that responsibility to others. Sick people have to start understanding that they need to take care of themselves or they will take down everyone else with them. HINT........the stock markets are reflective of our ability to make good decisions and work. Bad food affects the mind and the body negatively.
Click here to learn about the dangers of genetically modified foods that are in the majority of non-organic processed "food-like" products.
Click here to watch Jamie Oliver on TED TALKS regarding what the government is feeding our children at school. It's hard to tell anymore if the educational content (based on teaching children what it takes to lead a very conformist lifestyle), the toxic learning medications endorsed by school officials, the cafeteria food or the one sided vaccine drives are the worst thing about our modern school system..........and we wonder why our kids are sick, fat and can't learn. The people who get paid by the government will back them with their lives but what about the results? What happened to judging the results? Full speed ahead, right off the cliff.
Click here to watch Dr. Gary Null's documentary, which explores the drugs parents are endorsing for their children. Don't do drugs except if they are from a doctor. Do you think those parents may want to start feeding their children healthy foods....which are proven to increase learning and not drugs that are linked to school shootings, increased depression and suicide? This cycle starts with parents thinking they are powerless and that "others" (never self) can remedy the issues. I can't but someone else can...........that is the foundation of being powerless. Drop off your problems at the doctor's office and pick the solved problems up after work. When a child's soul can tell that what they are being taught will most likely make them a slave....just drug them and keep it rolling. When the teachers feel the same way, drug them as well.
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