In the book 1984 the main character was involved in the process of rewriting history, in order to make sure the population believed what the government wanted them to.
That means history was no longer history......history became advertising and mere propaganda.....all fabricated so that a small group of ruling elite could govern and control billions with an iron fist. Freedom gone and in its' place a new fake freedom based on "not knowing" what is really going on. Sound familiar?
In the book 1984 as well, you could be charged with "thought crimes". Thought crimes were any idea that went against what the government wanted you to believe. If you were caught even thinking a thought that went against what the government wanted anyone to believe.........you could be put to death. (in the book 1984)
Now here is where it gets a little bizarre and more than a little scary.
Click here to see how the U.S. government has already laid the ground work for punishments regarding thought crimes. By extension this means someone like myself could be charged with multiple thought crimes regarding each article I have on this blog but only if I was a United States citizen.
Well, oddly enough the same forces are also trying to work around that little stumbling block as well by attempting to merge Canada, U.S. and Mexico into one North American Union. (similar to the European Union) Think a North American Union is far fetched? Sorry to be the one to highlight this but the papers have already been signed without the consent of any citizen, other the same power elite behind this 1984 style manipulation.
Click here or watch the same video below to learn move about The North American Union. Just think about the corrupt vaccine manufacturers licking their chops, waiting to apply the U.S. compulsory vaccination schedule to you and your Canadian family within the New North American Union. (against your will of course and that is what this is all about)
So we just covered the thought crimes and government manipulation of entire nations. Now on to the rewriting of history.
This year was a terrible year for vaccines in general. The false swine flu scare exposed the profiteering and corruption within the pharmaceutical industry to the general population. The curtain also went up on the government repeaters who cried wolf so loud that many will never believe a word they say again.
People like myself also came out of the wood work and educated millions collectively about the dangers of all vaccines and for the first time in a long time, many discovered the truth.
The drug companies and the government officials, who sell their drugs, are also well aware of all this so they started to rewrite history. First this group struck down a peer reviewed, published medical study proving that the MMR vaccine caused autism........thus removing it from history. This obviously resulted in massive protests from freedom and truth based organizations across the entire planet.
The other shoe dropped when the same doctor, who was professionally attacked for linking the MMR vaccine to autism, recently published another study concretely proving monkeys given vaccines endured massive brain damage compared to their non vaccinated counterparts. The attack on the old study completely discredited the new study of course.....and many sheeple currently walk clueless toward the abattoir.
Also hidden from public view is the fact that vaccine makers and government officials have already been told by their leading scientists that a direct link between brain damage and vaccines exists.
Welcome to 1984. Fear nothing. Stay healthy. If no one took drugs, the companies who do these sorts of things would have no money to do it.
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