Click here or watch the same video below about another great documentary I just watched (called ReThinking Cancer) regarding a cure for cancer. (watch as many films regarding cancer cures as you wish but they all offer the same nutrition based cure........it's not like each movie or documentary talks of a separate cure.......the cure is the same in each article I read and documentary I watch)
The best part of the Rethinking Cancer documentary had a patient battling with his decision to stop chemotherapy because it was making him so sick. As he approached his oncologist to discuss the issue the oncologist pleaded with the patient to stay with the chemo. (the only treatment a conventional oncologist will be paid to provide....other than radiation or surgery)
The oncologist then admitted something that the patient could not ignore. The oncologist admitted he had tried his best but had lost his own wife and his own mother to cancer. This helped the patient make up his mind pretty quickly because if the oncologist could not save his own loved ones (because radiation, chemo and surgery don't help the body heal from cancer) than he did not stand a chance.
The patient was originally given only a couple months to live and he left the office, turning his back on the conventional medical system that holds no track record what so ever for successful cancer treatment. 13 years later he is alive and healthier than ever.
Click here for a full page of information and great documentaries, which will teach you how to cure cancer. In the majority of cases it is not the cancer that kills the patient, it is the conventional cancer treatments that destroy the body's ability to heal itself.
The treatments of chemo, radiation and surgery just make the patient more ill and what starts off as battling cancer turns into battling MORE cancer plus at least 15 other disorders that the conventional treatments initiate. The patient's health declines at an accelerated rate with family members often demanding more medical treatment when their best bet is to just get out of there altogether. I see it happen everyday. The patient passes away and the family and friends raise money for the system that took the life of their loved ones prematurely.
When does giving money to someone who failed make any sense when the same avenues of research are the only ones explored with the donations? It's not that the system needs more money, it's that what they are doing just doesn't work. When something doesn't work you don't reward it with charity money.
If you give money to procedures that don't work, what do you do with treatments that do work at curing cancer? Oddly enough you ignore them I guess. WOW!
Again, the cure is already out there..........the big secret is that no one employed inside the cancer industry is really looking for it because if they find it......they are out of a job. Do you want to feed your family or cure people and be unemployed. An insane system where no motivation exists what so ever to expose the simple cure for cancer and all disease for that matter.
To cure disease we need to tell all medical professionals that they will be paid regardless if anyone is sick or not and only then would you see the cures come out of the woodwork. This way doctors would only work if people were sick and play golf (and be paid) if people were healthy. Today the more sick you are, the more doctors get paid. Not exactly a system that is designed to produce healthy patients.
I have a close friend who was taken care of by a government nurse when he had cancer and that nurse encouraged him to eat food that has been proven to grow cancer. My friend knew this because he read this book on curing cancer, so he refused to eat the food that nurse was endorsing....yet he never discussed his decision with the nurse.
Many months later (after his cancer was gone) he ran into the nurse again and they starting talking. Turns out she already knew that the foods she endorsed increased cancer growth and cancer spread but that was all she was "permitted" to endorse by her superiors. For this lady to get paid, she had to increase the chances of giving more cancer to cancer patients. Nothing important. Nothing to see here....... No big deal. Did you see American Idol last night?
Cancer is a lifestyle, not a tumor. If you cut out the tumor and continue with the same lifestyle the cancer will grow back. Learn what it takes to let the body heal using the doctor within. Don't be surprised when proven carcinogens (chemo and radiation) decreases the body's ability to heal and therefore brings on more disease. Poisons don't heal the body, they do the opposite. Plain and simple.
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