You cannot have good luck without bad luck. The brightest minds within the science of physics will tell you that the Universe behaves like a beautiful and perfect mathematical equation.
The systems are preset for perfection, almost like someone thought them out precisely with the goal of maintaining a system that always seeks to balance itself.
Inside these "life" equations are things as complex as anything you will see in your lifetime. You will also find simple equations in there as well, like the law of attraction or the law of giving thanks.
Basically the law of attraction is a law of respect where saying "thank you" to something or someone (and respecting people in general) brings with it what can only be described as "good luck".
Giving "thanks" is like respecting the energy and effort of everyone and everything that has come before you, as they literally laid the ground work for you to actually be living today. By thanking everyone and everything that has ever been here, we eventually go down the line to the first force that placed us here long ago. A sort of universal hug for all life. A return of the love that placed us here.
What the ancients understood was that if nature was honored (like honoring foods as Gods) or even if you gave thanks to those same foods before you consumed them (or just thanked nature in general) ............there was good luck coming to you down the road. They never knew how it really worked but they knew for sure it did work in most cases, so it was worth the time to try and harness its' somewhat predictable nature.
If there was bad luck in an ancient society they would often wonder what they had done to "upset the Gods" so they could learn from their mistake and avoid making that same mistake in the future.
Our outcomes reflect how close we are following these Universal laws (the mathematical codes within our genes). Our rewards (positive results) and punishments (our worst lives) are simply meant to help us learn what we should be doing and what we should not be doing.
For example, if someone takes toxic medications to try and be healthy, they will only get more sick. The sickness stays because the laws of health are being broken over and over again. Sickness will only leave once the laws of health are followed. A simple system of reward and punishment to help us lead our best lives.
Even if no science ever existed we would all know what sickness is because it feels bad. We are programmed to avoid all pain, at all times. If we are already pre-programmed to avoid pain and bad foods bring pain into our lives on all levels, I would say that is a pretty good system to produce our best lives. Wouldn't you?
Today we are sold fibs and that is why so many get bad results with their health and their wealth. Conventional medicine tries to sell us the false idea that breaking natural laws will make us better in some way. Obviously that is a fib and we know because their promises rarely materialize, if ever. By living lies we summon this bad luck, which is designed to remind us that this is not the path to walk down.
It does not matter if you fall down a flight of stairs, have a heart attack, are divorced or are depressed..........that is bad luck and it is clear communication that what is being done is not working. That is exactly the way life was designed. Do bad, get bad. Do good, get good.
Basically everything I am talking about, in one way or another, can be found in the movie "The Secret". All "life masters" have always talked of the same "laws". Everyone from Deepak Chopra to Lao Tzu. (and every wise person in between)
This takes me to my main point today. Click here or watch the same TV commercial below, which literally breaks every single rule of honoring these laws.
The commercial is for Nike and unfortunately it includes many main stream Canadian athletes who are going to the Olympics. This Nike commercial tells "fate/destiny" (the invisible hand of the Universe) that it has no impact what so ever in helping anyone become the best they can be. You might as well be slapping every ancestor, to ever walk the face of the earth, right in the face.
When ancient cultures talked about a "curse", this sort of thing is what they were speaking about. Spit in the face of destiny/fate and you just lost the best advantage you could ever hope for. Not the smartest thing to be doing when you are headed to the Olympics but what do you expect from a culture that honors nothing but the almighty dollar.
Who cares what ancient texts say, we are the smartest culture ever....can't you tell from our awesome results?
Throw in the fact that many Canadian athletes are also advertising for McDonald's (and other unhealthy organizations that break natural law) and you are basically giving the Universe the bird.
Since this ad has run Jarome Iginla has been in a scoring slump and his team has fallen form the top of the standings to a spot where getting into the play offs is going to be tough. Dion Phaneuf has been traded from a team, which considered him family, to a team in the NHL basement. What will the next 2 weeks bring? Lets wait and see. I am still cheering for Canada but I wish they did not insult fate in that TV ad.
Live your life according to these natural laws and listen to your body, as it provides hints to you (pain, depression, bad luck, wealth, a nice body, a perfect mate etc) regarding how well or how badly you are following those natural laws. Spell "live" backwards and you get what awaits you when you work against life and not with it.
The reason we are so susceptible to this type of marketing is that almost everyone (including me in weaker moments) is under the false belief that if we just "get" that next elusive "thing" we will finally be happy. It could be the car, the money, the body, the guy/girl, the promotion, or the Olympic medal. This commercial goes even further by hinting that we are so special that we don't have to follow the rules of the universe to get those things.The reality is that none of those things will ever make us happy. "That which you think you own, owns you."
There are two tickets to lasting happiness - growth and contribution. Both require gratitude (The Secret). The more you grow, the more you can contribute. Ironically, those who are most successful at contribution tend to "get," the most rewards.
When people learn to shift their focus from what hole in their life they need to fill (Forcing Fate) to how they can most effectively contribute to the world they suddenly become successful and happy. It is so simple and beautiful!
BTW, I am still working on this.
Great Topic. Great advertisement regardless if it is right or wrong. From my own personal standpoint the Nike advertisement 'Force Fate' is in line with the natural laws of attraction. Fate is defined as a set of predetermined life events of which and individual has no control over. In other words events that are inevitable. What this implies is that regardless if we are doing good deeds, thanking others and being healthy bad things will continuously happen in our lives. To me, the idea of fate (in the context described) is opposite to the laws of attraction. The universal laws of attraction, state that likes attract likes. In the case of the Force Fate ad, harder work ethic equates to better athletic performances. The Force Fate ad is saying 'mediocre training will result in mediocre results' and that 'great training will results in great results'; the law of attraction itself.
The laws of attractions as described by many allow each individual to shape their own destiny as they please. It could be that our definitions of fate and destiny differ but I don't see the disconnect between the force fate ad and the laws of attractions. A person could even say that the statement 'force fate' is an oxymoron since you can't change the inevitable.
The last comment is an important one and is very pertinent, as it comes from a great champion of sport. I thank Tim for writing in and it is an honour to have such a great champion comment on an article directly related to sport. Tim was and is still a great athlete, one of this area's best ever. My gut felt funny when some of the athletes in the ad said "fate doesn't remember" or "fate doesn't get up at 5:00 in the morning" or "fate chokes when the game is on the line" I believe in the practice of prayer (not in a traditional religious context) and thought that telling fate that it chokes etc was odd. The teams and players involved in the ad are doing quite well at this point into the games. A great comment from someone who knows plenty of fate and sport. Thanks Tim.
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