Click here or watch the same video below that demonstrates massive cancer tumors being reversed using The Gerson Therapy. Such cancer reversal therapies focus on increasing nutrition and decreasing toxicity. Simple cures that work. Simple cures that are actually illegal within the conventional medical system.
If a conventional oncologist applied the Gerson Therapy to their patient in our fine town, they could be charged with medical malpractice and stripped of their license to practice medicine.
The conventional medical licenses are licenses that do not allow healing of the body. Those licences are very strict....healing is not permitted.....drugging and the masking of symptoms is all that is legally allowed. Break those rules and you are removed from the game, your 7 years of education and your $250,000 average salary vanishing into thin air.
If you were a conventional oncologist would you rock the boat by trying to cure patients of their cancers? Why mark yourself as a healer when the patients just keep lining up for the treatments that increase their disease state? The patients are not noticing and all your other fellow doctors seem to be getting away with it. Why risk your income and your family's security? If it ever comes to light how ineffective conventional cancer treatments are you just plead ignorance, site some drug company funded cancer study that refutes the observational evidence or blame the medical textbooks.......even though you plainly see that the conventional therapies rarely work on any of your patients long term.
These therapies (like The Gerson Therapy) that cure cancer appear nowhere inside any conventional medical text book and appear nowhere on any mainstream cancer charity website.
The cancer tumors are not the cancer because if they were the cancer, they would never grow back once removed. The cancer is the lifestyle and that is why Gerson Therapy is so effective at reversing cancer. The Gerson Therapy addresses the patient's diet and lifestyle habits.
When the conventional goal is finding a pill to cure cancer and pills in fact cause cancer, you would think people would start understanding that undeniable truth after 50 years and 1 trillion dollars spent toward the war on cancer.
War is such a male based idea in the first place, is it not? War has never worked at curing anything. The cancer cure finds its' way in peace and the support (love) of the body with healing foods and a less stressful lifestyle. The profiteers inside the cancer industry love using the phrase "war on cancer" because it subliminally conditions us to accept all the casualties of that war......because we accept those casualties elsewhere within the other wars we have started all over the planet.
In a violent society we cannot help have our medical system reflect our destructive and war like mentality. Getting a tough warrior like face on before the application of cancer causing treatments (like chemo and radiation) is brave for sure yet highly ineffective. Regardless of attitude, you cannot fight the destructive effects of chemo, surgery and radiation. We are all made up of live tissue, not Kevlar.
How silly will many people feel when they come to realize that they walk by the cure every day when they enter the grocery store? Plants don't have cancer because they have been around so long, they figured out a way to make sure cancer never enters them. By eating and drinking the plants we also acquire their immunity to cancer.
How will history judge a society where disease is created in the pursuit of curing disease? How will history judge the greater population who actually cheer leaded and funded their own premature deaths? Not too fondly I assume.
1 comment:
I believe that apathy is cancer of the spirit... And so I thank you for not having that condition and I also thank you for blessing us with the truth.
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