Do you talk on a cordless phone in the house? Do you have wireless Internet in the home or office? (and think it is great step forward in convenience) Do you ever talk on a cell phone?
Do you live around cell phone towers or power lines? Do you know someone with cancer or more importantly, brain cancer? Well, unfortunately Electrical Magnetic Frequency Pollution from these sources is being described as the next insider "tobacco" like cover up.
Click here to read more about the link of electrical pollution to cancer and many other diseases. You can also click here to watch a great documentary on the dangers of cell phones and the low frequency microwave radiation that many of our modern "toys" utilize today.
I took my cordless phones out the house years ago because of this danger and to this day my friends complain plenty about not being able to contact me by cell phone. I have a cell phone yet rarely, if ever, use it...........and yes I still manage to make a living without the use of this device that many people deem absolutely essential for the "good life".
Life is about living and not about dying early. A simple rule many people are just not thinking deeply about these days. Avoid being the richest person in the graveyard or having the nicest car in the hospital parking lot. Count how many $40,000 cars roll through the coffee drive thru every morning to see how far away from reality many people are currently living. The nicest stuff and the worst food. Not exactly the good life. All looks, no substance. All about outward impressions and little about inner health. Take away the cars or stuff and what is left? Not much in most cases.
If you think radiation from cell phone towers, power lines or even your cell phone is not powerful then you need to look closely at the picture below where an artist planted several hundred fluorescent tubes in the soil around a string of power lines. Yes, the tubes turned on like they were plugged into an electrical source. (insert a gasp of disbelief here)

You cannot attain optimal wellness with these invisible immune suppression agents flying through the atmosphere.
Funny thing is that humans consider themselves as living at the tip of the evolutionary sword. Unfortunately you can look at that idea as either meaning humans are the smartest in the animal kingdom or it can also mean humans are the youngest (and least experienced) of all species on the planet. Being the youngest, it means we are more like children compared to the other organisms. If we are the children it also means that the earth itself is in fact our mother.
Anyone else thinking Mom is getting really annoyed and about to correct our behavior with a little spanking? There are many signs that spanking is coming soon and this one will not be as gentle as others in the past. Can't say we're not asking for it. Everyone needs to do their part to avoid the spanking. The first step is to get as healthy as possible.
Ellen is on Idol tonight. Wonder what Paula's doing now?
Jason, I don't use a cell phone anymore.
Do you know if this stuff causes a ringing in the ears? I live beside an estuary and right in front of the Pacific Ocean. Yet, when I travel inland to the mountains, my ears are quiet. Any ideas?
I absolutely love your content. Keep it coming. I know sometimes it can be lonely writing without hearing back from readers, so I wanted to send you a quick e-mail to tell you I look forward to your next articles -- keep them coming.
Hey Mary. Good to hear from you. Yes, I believe low frequency microwave frequencies can cause what you are talking about. In the fight to stay healthy, country living is looking better and better all the time. If anyone has the luxury to choose their dream home they now need to consider much more than they have in the past. Clean water filters, checking the property for EMF pollution, building for maximum sun exposure, interviewing the farmers around the new property as to what chemicals they use etc etc. A nice house is great but a healthy family without disease is the ultimate dream. If I ever move from where I am it will be to a location free of EMF's. Protection of the family is my #1 priority. I earn money for nothing but that goal.
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