In a society that can never really decide for themselves if something is right or wrong......without a third party letting them know what to think........let me state the obvious.
Having McDonald's anywhere near the Olympics is as wrong as it gets. Click here or watch the same video below to view a typical McDonald's commercial, which conditions the masses to believe that processed foods are associated with world class health/performance.
This is classic human shield effect advertising.
Rule #1 of unhealthy food ads..........never talk about the food because if you focus on the food, no one will eat it. Make sure to avoid the food and focus on emotion. Insert good emotions and the human mind will take care of the rest, conditioning itself to associate that emotion with sticking garbage into the mouth.
Find someone who quotes the excuse, "everything is OK in moderation" and look at them. (not just physically...look at them financially, spiritually etc) Does it look like they do anything in moderation. Seriously?
We have black boxes inside bobsleds, we have scientists developing never seen before fabric for our racer's clothing, we have an entire Canadian government/corporate program called "own the podium"....all designed to make sure Canadian athletes can shave off even a hundredth of a second during their event.
Then we have McDonald's inside the Olympic village serving the same athletes foods proven to cause brain damage, obesity, liver dysfunction and all other diseases.
Yes, all other diseases.
Not many other medical systems on the planet, other than the conventional drug and cut North American medical system, believes diseases are separate. In ancient Chinese medicine you are either sick or you are healthy and McDonald's will make you sick....guaranteed. If 10 people eat McDonald's, they all will show different disease symptoms yet every single person will be sick. What ever your level of health, if you eat McDonald's even once........your health level decreases.
You can even visit the "own the podium" website and donate $20.10 of your hard earned money to the act of doing everything to an athlete except the most important aspect of human performance.......and that is eating real, live, whole , organic food.
Boycott McDonald's and maybe start to talk about how ridiculous this really is. Click here or watch the same video below to get a good laugh. I am happy I'm not the only one picking up on how crazy this all is.
I have known athletes who ate at McDonald's while they stayed at the Olympic village. They didn't do well at their events. Shocker.
When you pass from this planet into the next stage you only leave with what you have become. Your cars, your medals, your mansions, your cloths......you get to take none of it with you. You need to find out who you are before that day arrives or it can get really scary in a hurry because the only thing you get to take with you is what you have become. At the end, that is your only possession.
Teaching kids to eat McDonald's during their life time could make the last minutes of some one's life rather unnerving. Whom ever the athlete, they were not placed here to promote junk foods to children and adults alike.
If you are a young athlete, write your own book of rules before you make it big because this is what happens when you focus too much on developing the outer body and not enough time developing the inner spirit. This is disgraceful and it reflects just how far off the path of truth we have gone as a nation.
The picture below reflects what it is like to eat McDonald's...........not Patrick Chan playing "nice nice" with a thin Mom and her thin daughter. Eating McDonald's is the equivalent of calling the Universe directly and asking for your worst life to be delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less.

Hi Jason
You forgot to mention that Coca-Cola is a Major sponsor and the commercials “Open Happiness” all the people I see drinking that stuff don’t look happy very disappointing to see all this at the Olympics.
I'm pretty sure most of the athletes in Vancouver are not eating McDonalds. If they were, they would not have made it that far. It's all the people cheering them on that are stopping for a burger and fries on the way to the event. You know the people that will NEVER be able to compete themselves. The masses must live through our athletes because most of the population does not believe in putting their health first.
I have a friend there right now who is working the food court in the athlete's village. That food court contains foods not fit for human consumption and only the athletes are there, as it is a secure area. The athletes are eating it and the place is packed. Most of us will not be world class athletes but bad food effects every cell in the body equally. Bad food makes a garbage man a worse garbage man and an insurance sales person a worse sales person. It also makes people less successful on every level imaginable. When you poison an organism with non food, nothing good can come of it.
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