How is the government paying for the H1N1 vaccine? They aren't........you are. Have you witnessed all the full page ads in local newspapers across Canada selling vaccines to the general public?
Do you remember the last time that the federal government took out a full page ad trying to convince Canadians to eat more broccoli and cauliflower? Do you remember? Remember when the Eastern Ontario Health Unit took out that full page ad trying to promote exercise and the foundations of health? (clean water, sun shine exposure, relaxation, family time, organic foods) What about that full page ad on breast feeding and proper nutrition for mother and baby? Do you remember that? Of course you don't.....because it never happened.
For everyone in the Canadian province of Ontario, the new HST is the tax that will help funnel what little money you call your own off to international drug companies. These drug companies are not only the richest companies in the world, our own government agreed that if the untested vaccine hurts any Canadians that the drug companies are not liable for any vaccine injuries.
Why run a business with all those ancient concepts like "incurring expenses" in the promotion and distribution of your goods and services? Why incur any expenses at all when you can high-jack an entire country's bank account and distribution system at no charge. All profit, no expenses. Great for drug companies....not good for Canadians.
That means if someone happens to get vaccine injured and they do sue the vaccine manufacturer and win, the Canadian government (you as the taxpayer) pays again. When the injured person can't work you pay again and when that person's spouse can't work because of the burden to care for their partner...you pay again. You pay for the wheel chair, the home care, the wheel chair ramp, the medications, the day care for the children, the motorized scooter, the new government buildings dealing with vaccine injuries and the new government workers inside said building who are paid to make sure everyone in that town knows that vaccines, Tamilfu, Tylenol, baby formula and what other products being promoted that month are safe.
You may even pay for the medicinal marijuana for the vaccine injured person to smoke, now sold and sanctioned by our own government at institutions across Canada called Compassion Houses.
The end result is citizen debt, provincial debt, federal debt and societal debt on every level imaginable. Can you imagine a system where products that cause illness are promoted as healthy? Can you imagine how much debt it would produce?
What you won't pay for is any service or product that may reverse the vaccine injury, improve the condition of the vaccine injured person and any information that would allow the vaccine injured person to cure their own condition. Things that make Canadians healthy are starting to be made illegal by our own government.
Are you starting to see the debt based business model unfold just from what you are reading in this e-mail? Promote unhealthy products, criminalize healthy products and watch the debt pile up to heights unseen in human history. Bankers have known about that exact cycle for centuries, as the most effective profit generating system ever devised. The more sick a population, the greater debt they carry as individuals and as a country.
Sign the petition to stop the HST in Ontario because if it goes through your gym membership is going up 8% July 1st 2010. That could mean the closing of many Ontario fitness clubs, which of course fits into the debt model where less people are healthy........leading to more debt etc etc.
Every service or product that now only has 5% GST will have 8% added to it if the HST goes through. Sign the petition to tell the Ontario government that if they can't afford to buy something, they can't tax us and our children for generations to come.
Tell your local MP and MPP we do not agree with using our money and public institutions to push any "for profit" product. Let the vaccine manufacturers sell vaccines the same way they sell other pharmaceutical products. What is next? Will the Health Unit start selling other medications in the same way. Why do Canadians believe that using our own money to sell "for profit" products is wise for our financial future?
Click here or the same video below to hear comedian Tim Hawkins put it all in perspective for you. For our Canadian followers just picture the Canadian flag in the background.
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We need a revolution...NOW!
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