What does a bankrupt hospital, a bankrupt patient and any world government have in common? The answer is debt.
When things are bad, debt goes up. How do you think world bankers vote regarding the need for vaccinations when every country considering giving them out are already billions in debt? How do you think world bankers vote in regards to going to war in the middle east?
Do bankers want the soldiers or hospital patients healthy? The question for the banker is..."does health create debt or does disease create debt?"
Find a family that has encountered disease in your community. Now trace that family's accumulation of debt regarding everything from asking family members for loans, charity drives in their honor, (asking the general public to pitch in) government payments while not working, insurance payouts and the hundreds of thousands of dollars leaving the medical system via treatments, surgeries, staff wages, medications etc.
Now add on top of all that debt the fact that a diseased member of society cannot provide the services they once provided to that society (work), the spouse not working, the car trips to specialists, the potential funeral cost, the disease causing stress experienced by all people involved etc. Can you see the debt? Who benefits from all types of dysfunction?
When a hospital is bankrupt, when a nation is bankrupt or when a person is bankrupt those situations used to be clear signs that things were not working. To world bankers these are signs that things are working perfectly.
The profit behind debt is why there is such a big push to maintain medical systems that create illness, wars that create war, education systems that do not educate, justice systems that have no teeth and banking systems that do not restrict debt to people who cannot pay it back. (just force the government to repay the debt and then in turn tax the people to recoup the debt......here comes the HST)
The main stumbling block to understanding the extent of these ideas is usually a widely held mental defense position based on something like this........."I can understand greed for sure but I have a hard time believing some people would hurt or even kill others for money. My intelligence would pick that up quickly if it was happening".
Click here to watch a movie trailer regarding the unhealthy treatment of all troops stationed in the middle east. Click here if you want to watch the full movie.
Click here to watch a report about a highly dangerous (and often fatal) medication given to soldiers after they return from duty.
Click here to learn how some soldiers were placed in harms way in order to save money, while they were serving their country. If you can believe it, the company hurting the soldiers is owned by the vice president of the United States.
Were the reasons for the war legitimate? Click here and judge for yourself regarding the information that was kept from you.
Can you see the debt regarding the initial plan and then the extra debt the dysfunctional people produce after they participate within the plan.
A mental detainment camp now exists for many in our society that goes well beyond just turning a blind eye to what is occurring. We are now at a crossroads, staring out at a prison that has no walls. A mental prison where escape can happen at anytime but people are just so used to thinking within the limited space that escape is terrifying yet necessary for survival in the upcoming years.
There are 4 walls in the mental prison. The walls often consist of mental constructs such as....
1. I don't believe I could be sold an untruth.
2. Advertising does not work on me. I am too intelligent.
3. Advertising is for people of lower intelligence. I am smart enough to know better.
4. If there was something that wrong occurring I would certainly notice.
How do you get people believing one thing when the complete opposite is happening? How do you change the definition of the word "health care" to a new definition that means disease and premature death? How do you advertise in a way that makes people beg for the products that will hurt them? How do you make people work for next to nothing, tax what little money they make (in order to service the government's interest on debt) and leave people wanting more of the same?
How do you change the definition of the word "education" to a definition that involves passing children regardless of their performance? How do you convince a society that health can be picked up on the way home in the form of a vaccine? How do you convince a society that spending is the cure for debt? How do you convince a society that war will bring about stability and peace?
How do you convince a society that when you fail you deserve a raise, million dollar bonus or bailout? How do you convince people disease is the cure for disease? How do you sell a society their worst life and have them begging for more?
More importantly..............what is the exact structure that convinces the majority to endorse that system and label anyone not backing it as the enemy?
When did overweight, medicated, diseased, bankrupt, depressed, divorced, addicted and spiritually void become the life most apt to be valued, protected and defended.
When was the switch made?
How was this accomplished?
What groups are behind it?
I will link a movie this week, which will explain everything. This has been going on much longer than you may believe.
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