Regardless if the issue is vaccines, tamiflu, heart bypass surgery or even the recommendation of taking a baby aspirin once per day.......people generally believe these items are healthy although little or no observational evidence exists that they are.
If concrete evidence is presented that these items are not healthy, most people still side with their doctors.........against the empirical and observational evidence.
If the evidence was indeed taken as true not only would most people have to admit they were sold a false idea and that they hurt their personal health (while being sold the false premise of improving it) they would also have to accept that someone (somewhere) is actually trying to hurt them or maybe even calculate profit from their disease and even their death.
For most people this is the primary mental stop sign or the invisible wall that most people just can't get over. The last line in the mental defense system is always that people generally understand greed but not a type of greed that sees people and their very lives as "things" to be manipulated for profit.
Watch this video or the same one below to get a better understanding of what you need to know or order to become more clear on the idea that there are indeed people who see ill health or death itself as necessary for profit.
If a society is based on profit, the killing of the land or the killing of people on the land (in order to increase profits) is already programmed into the system.
Whether an entire paper plant is shut down, a Wal Mart wipes out a small town of its' entrepreneurs or drugs are sold to keep people sick for increased profit (or the drugs shave it too close and kill lots of patients)..............it is only business. No one really is surprised, as anyone within the society is well aware that profit motives force people to modify their behavior for self preservation....even if they are good people.
If everyone thinks only for themselves the society is bound to implode. Just ask the Romans.
If the law allows it, do it. If the laws do not allow it, lobby to change those laws. If lobbying does not work create a fictitious environment (ex. swine flu, terrorists, communism....just create an enemy to rally the people) to make the public beg for what you wanted in the first place. If all that does not work then you use force, fly the flag and brand anyone who dares speak against this cycle of corruption as a terrorists, a communist, unqualified, not educated enough to provide a valid opinion, unpatriotic, a bad parent (in the case of vaccines), bad for the ecomomy, not supporting the troops etc.
It is just business and inside a profit system this is not fiction.........these are options and they have been for centuries.
To people who are programmed for profit.......there is no real difference in any moral calculations that increase profit and power. If you can increase profit and get away with it........you are already programmed to do it inside a system that values profit above everything else.
Do you think a company has no problem polluting a river with oil for profit (saving money by not disposing of it properly) but will have a problem selling people drugs that make them sick so they always stay sick and need more drugs?
How about killing people outright to maintain profit? Can't believe it? Don't think anyone would do it?
Well, you need to watch this short video.
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